which is a terrible way to live when you are in your 40s
which is a terrible way to live when you are in your 40s
Ughhhhh i miss Spyro. Curse you Skylanders! If only these kids know who the hell Spyro is and how great the first 2 games were.
By all means “Fuck cancer”.
These rules just seem so arbitrary. For example, I’ve been flying brushless motor electric airplanes for years and never had to register them - whereas their gas powered equivalents DO require some registration if I’m not mistaken....and that varies by state as an added bit of confusion.
I have officially lost all faith in humanity.
Define: spoiler
Your fault for pre-ordering something.
“Germany should watch out about this kind of tone. The last time they were such sore losers, we sent troops into Normandy.”
Of course it is. Whether it's official doesn't make any difference if it fixes your problem.
sorry i couldnt read your entire post because I couldnt stop laughing after reading the phrase “when i hit my second kangaroo”.
In college, I had a finance professor tell me that “if you have a client who wants to invest in social responsibility, tell them that you’d be breaking the law managing their money that way.”
“Socially responsible” mutual funds have not only underperformed the S&P since their inception but have badly underperformed the…
This is a joke, right? It’s laughable. What about Anheuser Busch or Miller Brewing Company? What about GM or Toyota? You Ms. Horn are a misguided blogger, which is an all too common occurrence. There is NOTHING wrong with supporting the aforementioned firearms companies. Go live in France if you believe in that…
Ok, out of all the things that have been said on this website...this angers me the most. I love the WS6. I thought it always looked and performed better than it’s Chevy counterpart, and with the right mods, was an absolute beast.
I promise you, the trucker didn't have a legitimate reason to be in the left lane.