When people talk about the current golden age of TV, they’re usually referring to big, serious dramas like Breaking…
When people talk about the current golden age of TV, they’re usually referring to big, serious dramas like Breaking…
Here’s a nightmare I’ve actually had: I’m a soldier in a war, and no one’s told me what to do. Bullets are whizzing…
I’m betting that a lot of people who played Far Cry 2 didn’t finish it. It’s a chaotic, grueling game, and it’s at…
Despite having a taste for horror movies and novels, horror video games freak me the hell out. Still, I was curious…
If there’s one thing I do for this site, it’s play a ton of games. 2016 was an amazing year and offered some of the…
See Also: The socially-oblivious (but usually well-meaning) dipshits who beg you to check out this totally hilarious Youtube video then stare blankly at you waiting for you to laugh.
Much worse: Introducing your friend to your favorite comedy.
A few days ago, I was hanging out at some friends’ house. One of them, Ian, decided to buy a new PS4 game. “Get The…
I’ve spent the greater majority of the last two days wondering how best to reply to this comment. Because I do believe that it is important that I offer a response.
Games are media, media is consumed in the context of the world in which it exists. You’re just going to have to deal with it. Art and life are inextricable.
HBO’s new series Westworld has probably got a lot of people reconsidering their most recent Grand Theft Auto V…
It is hard work finding offense these days.
Persona 5 won’t be out in South Korea until next year, but the game has already caused some controversy there online.
A reader’s girlfriend works at Disneyland, and sends word that it looks like management is having some trouble with…
I liked Lichtspeer before I even started playing it. The menu screen, if you’ll believe it, is what sold me.
Today on Highlight Reel we have impressive intros, corpse sleds, grenade tosses and much more!
YouTube celebrity PewDiePie announced today that he’s designing his next game with one of the masterminds behind Goat Simulator, a satirical game that owes its popularity to YouTubers, the Verge reports. The details of the game are unclear, but it will be on PC, iOS and Android. Today, PewDiePie released his newest…
Year of the Dog is a slice-of-life game about owning a Shiba Inu in San Francisco, and it looks wonderful.