
Did you read this? Or just head right to the comments in a lame attempt to be first and make yourself look smart?

The Force created another chosen one to finish the job?

Casey never makes lists, so I just wait until someone who cares makes the list

Is Sheldon in it?

That woulda been cool but that stupid purple no sound thing fucked it all for me. WTF was that

In an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre

What are the chances they’ll do Star Blazers?

Someone’s smokin something waaaaaay better than I am for that to make sense, I don't buy it lol

After reading that, I almost kinda sorta wish I didn’t get stoned right before I read it. I have no concept on it, I’m gonna try reading it again.

They couldn't due to her schedule

I drove a taxi on the night shift and that happened to me on the SECOND night! Fucking scary stuff, lucky guy. Mine was at 2:00AM and no cops to be found. I’m lucky it wasn’t worse

That should be a key part of his suit - the legs and such extend and he gets taller in combat - like an Intimidation Mode

I think Rebels will close out with all the characters going to Alderaan, right before the events in Rogue One take place

That was very well done. The girl reminded me a bit of Linda Hamilton. Very hot.

That's a power I always wished for! I've had to take the long road 😕

That would be awesome!! I wanna say Zam Wessel the changling is close, but apparently her “normal self” is female too...I would love to see it happen tho

That was really really cool on a couple of levels for me.

Stop! Hey wait a minute Mr Postman!

This day keeps getting better and better! First The Postman retiring now this???? Might hafta change the undies if anything else happens

Or is it the Blob was a Blip from the Bloop. I'm really high