
I think she turned her body inside out then back to normal again to pull off that move.

Swimmer here as well and that was the first final I was up on my feet for - that was a beautiful finish!

Sjostrom gets 3rd. I think it’s bronze though.

And of course NBC won’t show Simone Manuel’s medal ceremony.

Cunt is the only word my GF uses. No fuck, no shit, no goddamn (okay that one sometimes), etc. She uses “cunt” about as diversely and eloquently as you can use “fuck”.

It would most definitely escalate into a military occupation of Wales.

And RBG is their mysterious and powerful mentor who mic drops at the end of each episode.

I think you mean Butterfly. *in the title.

I never stood or took part in the pledge in HS and wasn’t religious. I just thought the whole thing was a stupid dog and pony show.

Gaines is fucking horrible. I wish he would just shut the fuck up. As a former swimmer, half the time what he says is so full of shit I wish he his would put a gun in his mouth and pull the trigger on live TV.

Drogo’s tweet is incredible. I, too, can’t stop laughing.

It’s like Brant Watch come to life.

Bernie’s going through his rolodex right now, calling all manners of dictators, tyrants and revolutionaries asking for someone to pay his mother-in-law’s ransom.

piping that raw sewage straight into Guanabara Bay.

yes but I wasn’t dumb enough at fifteen to think racial slurs in public was okay so I don’t think I’d be dumb enough to think on social media it would be ok. In fact I just didn’t think racial slurs were funny or ok at any time in my youth?

I love how the fucking announcer had to introduce the on board with the sponsor first.

Have a dealer and a table game or two in the suites.

No, previous passenger was actually Lorde.

Lohan looks like she’s 50.

So they take it away from a state that hates gay people and gives it to a state that hates black people. Awesome.