While it’s nice that ESPN has no commercials (at the moment), ESPN is still worrisome. They didn’t even bother to show qualifying. Showing repeats of E60 and relegating qualifying to online only.
While it’s nice that ESPN has no commercials (at the moment), ESPN is still worrisome. They didn’t even bother to show qualifying. Showing repeats of E60 and relegating qualifying to online only.
“America does not like having its anthem fucked with”
Curie discovered Polonium. She’s responsible for Vladimir “210" Putin
Every time I see that MSU and USAG boards are still in tact with full idiocy I just think this is what needs to be done.
They were thinking, now not only do we have to hold him back from girls during the after party, we have to hold him back now on live tv? Fuck this.
Buxton tweeted that police had mostly left the track by 5pm
There was an X-Files episode about this - Bad Blood - and it’s absolutely hilarious.
Well, they couldn’t have inmates running the prison.
I’m a Steelers fan but man am I happy after winning the 3rd and 4th quarter football pool. I was hoping Ben would throw another pick 6 in the last 5 minutes, but I’ll take the 90 yard run for the extra cash in my pocket.
I umpired little league when I was in HS. I hated it. Especially when I had to ump my brother’s games. My brother would stand there in the box while I called strikes on pitches that were pretty much perfect balls and vice versa to fuck with him.
Winston has to throw them around the rape accusations.
“I saw a dumpster on fire once and thought, wouldn’t it be great if that was our Union? It just spoke to me as a child that I could get rid of all that was wrong with our country with one massive fire. And those that would be left behind, well I would then fuck them over too.”
I’m convinced that the new baby’s name will be Attention West.
Nice comeback!