Aunty Social

I’m here for all the pretty, pretty pictures of Idris Elba and Adrian Lester because I love them both.

Ditto. I got sick Christmas morning and ended up missing Christmas dinner because I slept all day. We had had eggs benedict for breakfast and I wouldn’t eat eggs for YEARS after that. I think my brother got sick the next day.

I’m 37 and I’ve been to four(?) six (I can’t fucking count) funerals? Exactly half of them have been open casket.

People are fucking horrible.

He has many mau5 heads.

It’s not called a shower head for nothing.

Is it me or is Bieber looking more like Zach Morris now?

I’d watch it.

Keens are the beeeeeeeeeeeeest

Her wardrobe changes. That’s really the only thing that changes. She gets fancy ass clothes.


A baking stone. Whether it’s a round pizza stone, flat one, or one with sides, a stone. Once you get them properly seasoned, they’re basically non stick and you can use them for ANYTHING.

Working two jobs. I finally quit my part time job last summer (around this time last year, actually) and even though I’m still trying to recover and actually give a shit about some things going on in my life nearly a year later, I’m surprised I made it to 37 without having regular days off in 10-15 years without

She is a fucking queen.

Yeah, but it’s a double necked guitar, so, there’s that.

omgomgomg i want a peanut butter puppy just like this omg omg

When I’m in the States, it’s Diet Coke/Coke Zero.

if is SO GOOD.

omg i love you you’re my favourite. thank you thank you thank you.

The raccoon thing was one of the best things to come out of Toronto in YEARS. It was fantastic.