Aunty Social

Someone playing with my hair is my ultimate weakness. I mean, for the exception of family members, it doesn’t matter who you are. If you play with my hair and/or massage my scalp, I’m down.

Yes, you are, but OMG the story that would come from that!!!

Many, many stars for the Mean Girls reference.

I’ve gone to two or three single. It sucks so haaaaaaaaaaaaard.

Keepin’ it classy, Peg City, as usual.

I have. It kind of sucks, especially when the ONLY people you know are the bride and groom and a stick in the mud friend from junior high and her husband. And everyone else anywhere close to your age is speaking French.

OMG YES. I was my former best friend’s maid of honour for her wedding nine years ago, and she and her hubby-to-be had a house and had lived together for a few years before getting hitched. Plus, she only wanted ONE shower, so I had to invite like ... 50-100 people and only like, 20 people showed up. I freaked out and

I finally saw Mad Max, and I totally love your username.

You look fantastic!

You look like an elf!

The past few weeks I’ve had issues sleeping - not falling asleep, because I’ve been tired enough that falling asleep is no problem - but my problem is actually staying asleep. I sleep in the basement, so it’s cool (sometimes cold) and I have a lot of blankets to keep me warm. I’ve been restless and I’ll wake up sore

Yes. I’m totally thinking of using this as super hero mask costume thingy.

I’ve had to wear sunscreen since I was wee (due to an allergic reaction that happened due to medication prescribed for allergies), and absolutely cannot stand to wear lotion sunscreen. I’ve discovered that SPF50-60 Coppertone Waterproof/Sport spray on stuff is amazeballs.

Especially good for when I’m shmammered and

I’ve had to wear sunscreen since I was wee (due to an allergic reaction that happened due to medication prescribed

Driving to and from work during the summer (with the window down) always leaves me with a pink arm for part of the day.

I’ve discovered the bliss of SPF50+ spray on sport stuff. I had to wear sun screen in the late 80’s early 90’s because of an allergic reaction (from meds that were prescribed FOR ALLERGIES), and I absolutely hate lotion sun screen.

It’s probably a testament to how fucking tired I am, but I am laughing SO hard right now, because of this.

So funny.

I didn’t know I needed this until now. Gimme.


I submit for your consideration chocolate whipped cream icing.