
I really feel like I did her way more harm than good, covering, subsidizing and just by buying in to the delusion. But I also feel let down and a little resentful. I’m numb too. I’m hoping that as time goes on I’ll find away to relate to her, maybe in a different way. Or just wish her well and stay at a distance. I

One of my problems with AA is #8 and #9. I have been REALLY hurt by some people who were alcoholics. I don’t want their apology, I truly don’t care if they are sorry, I never want to see them again. My mom had a guy reappear who had tried to rape her and then pushed her out of her friend group (he rightly alleged

No, it’s just that the quality of our justice system is very low.

Inability to show remorse is a classic sign of a sociopathic personality disorder.

I continue to not understand how the government can force you into a faith-based recovery program. Secular options are available. Does AA have a kickass lobby?

This is what pisses me off about reading articles like this. When I was 19 I got a DUI and had to do AA. I never faked it, although I knew I could. I didn’t fake it because I knew I did something wrong and I got punished for it and I had to do my time (including a weekend in the county jail because I was already on

Seconding a few others who have mentioned it: have you checked out SMART? It’s not a 12-step, doesn’t have anything to do with a higher power, and is rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy/modification.

How does the alcoholism and anorexia mix poorly? Is it malnoutrition? Does it impact the heart?

I'm sorry :(. My bulimic friend from college died of alcoholism as well. The heavy drinking and purging were too much for her heart.

My sister died when she was 37 from combination of anorexia and alcohol. The worst possible combination of illnesses. My friend’s husband owns a bar, and there always seems to be plenty of old men who have been drinking for fifty years. But her little body gave up much earlier. :(

YMMV. I found Alanon very helpful - didn’t think of the higher power as anything but the steps. I already knew I didn’t have control over my alcoholic!

Right? Religion probably drove me to drink in the first place. All those little cups of wine and so much shaming.

God, I hate AA meetings. Been to hundreds of meetings in my attempts to not binge drink and refuse to go to any more. I’ve been sexually harassed and insulted. The other people bug me, most of them are crazier than the average person, and the people that go for 30 years depress the hell out of me. They consider

I don't know who this woman is (no TV). But I know of the AA's relinquishment to a "Higher Power." AA does not comprehend women or the fact that we have "higher powers" controlling us all of our lives and this really great "higher Power" is just another distributor of shame. I'm trying to stay 'on the wagon' too, but

for real though. AA sucks

God, you miss one meeting because you are drinking the blood of lion cubs to make up for the lack of alcohol in your life and everyone goes FUCKING INSANE. Chill out guys, I am just breaking in to zoos looking for a sweet, sweet sub Saharan blood beverage. STOP LOSING YOUR SHIT.