Woe be to the insurance company who wants to plaster this all over the local news: “We sued the SHIT out of a school employee who just wanted to help a sick kid!" Some you go after, some you just let go.....
Woe be to the insurance company who wants to plaster this all over the local news: “We sued the SHIT out of a school employee who just wanted to help a sick kid!" Some you go after, some you just let go.....
Yup, he’s having a hard time accepting that his life’s work to date sums up to torturing a lot of gay and bi people and nothing more.
“I know my work helped many, many people because they’ve told me so,”
I grew up in a pretty small place. My teachers always kept an extra eye out for me. One might offer me $10 if I stayed after school and changed out her decorated boards for the next season. Another paid for my field trip fees because my parents couldn’t. One even invited me to her house to have a big Thanksgiving…
Could be worse, she could be in the cell with the monsters who left food and water in the desert so that immigrants wouldn’t die.
If it were a teacher, I would be less cynical. A Super? I literally never met a superintendent my entire time spent in school.
So many people don’t get how serious and dangerous strep can be. It’s not just a “sore throat,” it’s vicious infection that can hide in the body and break out over and over, plus it’s super contagious. If the elderly relative the kid lived with got it it could very well be fatal.
I’d throw her a party and put up a statue of her on the quad.
That guardian should be investigated for child abuse.
This sounds a bit fishy to me. How many superintendents do this for a single student, because of a single absence? Does she visit the home of every student who is absent from school? I doubt it.
Really the person to blame here is the prosecutor. They have incredibly broad discretion in what charges to bring and it’s just another example of how bad most prosecutors in this country are that they thought this charge was a good idea.
If the news report this morning is accurate, the school is also not going to fire her, which is good. It feels like half the time in these cases, school districts ignore context and get rid of anybody who might be considered “problem”.
Nope, nothing wrong here. A kid with potentially life threatening disease unable to get care unless someone breaks the law. Nothing wrong with that at all.
Let’s not. Let’s just not have deductibles. Let’s just have real fucking first world health care like every other civilized goddamn country.
She paid $233 WITH INSURANCE? I’m flabberghasted at how utterly FUCKED the system is at perceiving who is committing which crimes in this story!
I don’t think you could have a prouder moment than turning yourself in because you fraudulently obtained some medicine for a poor and sick child.
Note to phone: it’s officially time for spell check to stop suggesting “Kampala” every time, because Kamala’s going to be the top contender and I don’t have time for this.
1. She’s my favorite contender.
I doubt they even have sufficient brain capacity to separate Native Americans from all the other ethnic groups they hate, it’s all just Brown People to that chucklefuck up there. They can barely grasp that not all Mexicans are gay liberals and vice versa.
I saw this video somewhere else and thought “Man those assholes sure look like a lot of guys I went to high school with” and sure enough I went to a Catholic high school just outside of Cincinnati...