
I read somewhere that the storyline was so contentious among the cast/crew that they had ‘team Miranda’ and ‘team Steve’ buttons made and Steve, in typical fashion, chose a ‘team Miranda’ button.  Yes, Steve gets crapped on.  But Steve’s character is loyal to the end, ‘never coming off’, and that is what makes him a

Exactly.  After comparing our child mortality rates to other countries and our vaccine schedule I took a broader view and gave my children less vaccines on a more drawn out schedule.  I’m also waiting on the Covid shot for my little ones.  

From these comments I gather that nobody here has ever personally experienced an emotionally abusive and controlling relationship.  I have.  I went on a road trip with that person and he nearly killed me in Taos, New Mexico by shoving my head against a wooden bunk bed post after which I locked myself in the bathroom,

You do realize the vaccine is also causing heart attacks, strokes, brain bleeds and death, right?  Are any of you actually listening to the ‘vaccine hesitant’ who work in hospitals?  People are suffering from BOTH Covid AND the vaccine.  Why so polarized?  Why can’t people discuss this?  

You’re a fascist.  You don’t get to determine what other people are comfortable with putting in their body and to pressure, coerce and force is fucking rape-y.  You also don’t get to tell black people and minorities who have historically been experimented on by these drug companies that the have to accept a jab in

My question to you is, how is anyone getting vaccinated ‘protecting’ anyone else if we now know that vaccinated people can carry as much viral load as unvaccinated people?  Vaccinated people can create variants as well.  My concern is that this is a new form of segregation that will affect minorities who are more

What about veganism? Ethical veganism is a thing and I know a few vegans who won’t get jabbed due to animal testing.  I am all for people getting vaccinated but I can honestly understand why people are hesitant about new technology that has no long term safety data. I’m personally a little disturbed by how quickly we

How dare you forget wine and chocolate.  But seriously, same.  I have been making kimchi, booch, sourdough breads and honey ferments all pandemic.  Making a super fizzy ginger bug was a fun science experiment for my kids and they loved making their own natural sodas at home using repurposed flip top Grolsch bottles.  

My story. I was 16 and intoxicated to the point of being very sick. My friend and her boyfriend were arguing in a bedroom, leaving me alone with a football player who helped me to the bathroom because I was vomiting. He locked the door behind him and attempted to rape me. I fought him and eventually made enough noise

They did. And kids in her dance class made t-shirts that said ‘Matt 1 : Daisy 0'

What is left of her family is in no way ‘ok’.  The Coleman’s lived in a small town a few miles from where I grew up.  My mom knew her dad-  he was a doctor before dying tragically in a car accident (his children were in the car as well).  They moved to Maryville to get a fresh start after he passed away.  Audrey was

Isn’t he very vocal and involved in the opioid crisis? Don’t know much about the guy but I’ll take a politician who did a stint in the Peace Corps over a veteran any day.

The mother and father were both offered free treatment at a live in rehabilitation facility and they both voluntarily entered treatment. The cop personally started a gofundme account to help with housing and getting them on their feet post rehab.

I’m sure ‘pubic condemnation’ is a typo but thank you for that. I snorted.

My friend and musical talent Heidi Gluck just hit me up yesterday to see if he would be interested in selling some artwork for her new vinyl album cover. Check her out, she amaze. This is nowhere near the kid’s best. But keep your eye out for Jonah Sailor Gray, he’ll be out there making comics, graphic novels and

You should see the one he did of the Statue of Liberty leaning over to light Trump’s hair on fire. So good.

My 9 year old has use Trump’s America to get into making political cartoons.

If you love these, check out Wood and Wick, they are my favorite due to scents like ‘Fireside’ and ‘Whiskey Smoke’. My house smells like a sexy lumberjack at all times. In a warm, delicious, flannel and pipe tobacco kind of way.

If you love these, check out Wood and Wick, they are my favorite due to scents like ‘Fireside’ and ‘Whiskey Smoke’.