Ghost of Future Kimmy Gibbler

PREACH, LINDY. YOU ARE HOT. I CAN TELL JUST FROM READING THIS. Because you know what actually is beautiful? Confidence and integrity. There are women out there looking for the perfect man and skipping over good ones because they aren't societally appropriate too, and I hope they hear this. Because at the end of the

Use RePhresh. Balances your ph. you'll have weird discharge for a couple days. at your local drug store. thank me later.

I work in reality TV and I would NEVER, EVER, EVER let anyone treat any of my girls like this. From the talent to the P.A.s, I look out for all of them, but I'm also usually the only girl on the creative team, so there's also that. I can't ever imagine this happening and no one stopping it, what a shitty bunch of

I've read every relationship book in the whole world, because I ghost write them. There are only one or two good ones, and the best advice is to figure out how to like yourself. Not to get extensions, not to wear heels, but to really work at the whole "i like myself just the way I am" thing, which, to some people, is

Lady G is looking bangin'. What is everyone even talking about? Taking shots in your undos is always brave, but girlfriend is not fat. We are in the middle of an OBESITY EPIDEMIC, and I'm pretty sure she's got a yoga ass. Send her to my house for 5 minutes and my mother would scream at her in Hungarian for being to

This is the best article I have EVER read on the internet. Period. And I only sort of like cats. Seriously, this is incredibly written and Madeleine should do some Real Housewives recaps or something, because we all love that old school gawker/jez way of taking something weird and seemingly trivial and making it