I think Jones still struggles with some of the dramatic stuff (like that nightmare talking to himself) but the dorky kid that's all bumbling enthusiastic for the team would be a great use of the actor and character.
I think Jones still struggles with some of the dramatic stuff (like that nightmare talking to himself) but the dorky kid that's all bumbling enthusiastic for the team would be a great use of the actor and character.
It's not my style of music at all, but I thought the music and its use on Luke Cage was fantastic.
I think it was because they were trying to hide the identity of the assassin (who turned out to be Elektra).
I really liked this opening. It's been a while since we've seen so many of these characters that I enjoyed just getting to catch up with all of them. And I got pretty excited over seeing all those names together in the opening credits.
I hear Rip Hunter saying "Father Rory" in my head now.
I feel like making mistakes and trying to cover them up is just a very human thing to do. And the brutal honesty of what people are really like has been ongoing part of the show since the beginning.
Also, if someone is so far gone as to be suicidal, I cringe at the thought of labeling such a person "selfish."
What a great finale. It wasn't too surprising that Leo was involved - since he was obviously such an unapologetic piece of scum - but that was a devastating surprise to learn about Michael. It helped reinforce the idea that this can be taught, and how it's passed on to younger men.
I'm about a dozen hours into Nioh and it's a tightly made game; but coming from a Soulsborne perspective, I rather feel like it's lacking. And I'd be curious to know how others around here feel about it.
I dunno, Ian, Tom, and some of the other dudes are also pretty terrible people.
I thought they were interested in how it was installed because it indicated whether or not Ian did it himself. If he just downloaded it via Google, Ian did it himself. Otherwise, he probably got someone else to do it.
This episode's Worst Person of the Week would definitely have to go to Caroline. I loved Maggie quitting and threatening retribution if she publishes a story about Mark.
The fact that the other Defenders in the trailers are mocking him gives me hope.
IGN had an interview with the president of ABC and she was pretty enthusiastically supportive of AoS.
They should have the follow-up show be about Colleen instead.
I feel like if they had intentionally leaned into the whole "boy who thinks he's a man" they could've gotten some great material for him.
I'm planning on giving the series a try, and I genuinely want to like it…but I still think it has too much working against it.
Maybe it's because I had such low expectations going in, but I don't think Iron Fist deserves all the criticism it gets.
Well, the impression I got is that it's still going to be a fourway crossover with all shows, it's just they'll take place over two nights instead of four.
Seeing her evolve over these past three seasons has been great, too. I remember in first season she worried about becoming more hardened (she was a lot more chipper and optimistic, especially at the start of the show), and unfortunately her husband being a murderer has done just that. But at the same time, the more…