
It's on my list for the summer.

Now I'm picturing a showdown between Killer Frost and the two Barrys while each Barry tries to talk her into killing the other.

I see people putting Arrow on the same level of Flash when it comes to women, and I just couldn't disagree more. Arrow has had oodles of great women, with tons of diversity in morality, skill sets, abilities, and roles on the show; they're almost never defined by male relationships (the show has even prioritized more

Or better yet, the Waverider has healing technology that can basically bring people back from the dead - instead of recruiting Snart for a break-in, why not flag down the ship and have them resurrect Iris post-Savitar?

"I can't give it to you, Barry - not even to save Iris."

Last week when Julian said he'd find a cure, her response was basically to say he already tried and failed - and not as a recrimination or scorn, but more like it was something a part of her had hoped for. (Echoes of Killer Frost's initial emergence: she went looking for Alchemy to get rid of her powers.)

Julian: Who?

I am really going to miss Radcliffe. That scene where he told Elena that she needs to accept Mac's decision was so achingly sweet. And that final moment on the beach? For all his ego, manipulation, and flaws, he is one of the most complex and fascinating characters the show has ever had.

How very Luke Skywalker of him.

Much as I love Tom Cavanaugh, this is definitely a Malcolm Merlyn problem here: first season villain played by an actor we all love, that they have an increasingly difficult time justifying keeping around once that story has played out.

Well, there wasn't much Caitlin this week, so there weren't a lot of reasons to have him around.

I dunno, if they meant for it to stick, they would've put it in the finale. The fact that it came in the penultimate episode reads to me like it's going to be undone next week.

I wouldn't say he dislikes them (he was pretty chill with Barry at the end of the crossover) - more that their worlds of aliens and superpowers messes with his view of the world, and so he tends to be a bit wary.

I Helped a Speed God Take Over the Universe and All I Got Was This Lousy Shirt

Also, it frustrates me that not only do they victimize women in the context of Barry, but that they continually show footage of said victimization over and over. (Which happened in first season with his mother.)

Well, she indicated last week that there's something she's getting out of the Savitar team-up that she's not sharing…

I still miss Snart and Sara…

We have yet to see him on Arrow.

Maybe they'll bring in Earth-2 Iris and it will help cut down on the mopeyness.

Forget all the pleas of love and insisting that they're still friends. To win over Killer Frost, they should be complimenting her on her awesome new outfit!