
Radcliffe turning against Fitz to get him out of the Framework? Every time I think he'll zig, he zags. This will probably be just about the last of him, which is a shame, since he's been one of the most interesting and unpredictable characters on the show.

Hee hee - I loved May calling Simmons a pop-tart.

Gah, this show is amazing with the Framework material. The last 20 minutes was almost too intense to watch, I was so worried about who might be left behind or die.

Oh, that wasn't meant as an insult. Oliver's one of my favorite characters. But he's pretty dark and has done a lot of morally questionable things in the past.

In Oliver's case, it might actually be more Good Oliver vs Our Oliver…

That really is one of the biggest issues of the character - they've in no way indicated motivation or want for her pretty much at all. She's entertaining as is, but that would added a needed layer of depth.

Maybe without Iris around he could step back from all the douchebag father nonsense.

I'd be happy if they decided to swap in asshole Wells and Jessie Quick for the entire West clan. I'm pretty over all three of them.

I saw way too many interviews with bts people saying they couldn't wait for people to find out, and that we were going to be totally surprised.

Maybe it was just me, but I spent the first half of first season going: and here comes this villain with this X-Men power…knock-off Cyclops; low-rent Colossus; hey, a female Gambit!

Team Flash would never let her - do you know what it would do to her father???

I'm holding out hope that they're lying.

That would be a really awesome twist.

If they make Killer Frost next season's Big Bad, I'm going to declare in advance that it is the best season of the show.

As a straight woman, I concur.

Maybe it's supposed to be Killer Frost rather than Caitlin - and based off interviews I've read, Killer Frost is essentially an entirely separate person.

Barry gives himself a pep talk - about how he just needs to run faster.

To be fair, implausibly perfect memory recall is a television-wide thing. Generally because the narrative often needs it, and suspension of disbelief and all that.

Thank goodness they finally revealed who Savitar is so I can go back to not caring about him anymore.

Awesome! I love that both Arrowverse and AoS have started incorporating these things into their shows.