He does - and I like Mon-El. I was just taking a dig at the love interest role.
He does - and I like Mon-El. I was just taking a dig at the love interest role.
Replacing Lena's one evil mother for another evil mother…I love it.
I dunno…she kept making lots of comments later in the season that could be interpreted that she know and was just keeping it to herself. I mean, she was smart enough to figure it out once - maybe she just went along with the ruse because she was humoring Kara.
So powerful, he was able to discern they were in feudal Japan by walking in the countryside for two minutes.
I'm pretty sure Cisco's various geeky t-shirts are more helpful than Iris.
He's Iris West. He needs no personality or to actually contribute anything to the team - he's just there to provide emotional support and then be rescued every now and again when one of Kara's enemies come knocking.
Thank goodness Nate over on LoT was able to figure out who the Green Arrow is by using history.
There was some serious Joe West level of "I am emotionally compromised by this situation and should remove myself from it lest I make things worse" going on tonight.
I do like the idea that Lena's figured it out already and the show just hasn't acknowledged it yet ala Cat Grant.
I appreciated the exploration of Maggie/Kara, and I liked that the show let Maggie have such good points in opposing certain aspects of Supergirl. But I had a hard time with a lot of the conflict throughout. Like when Maggie warned Kara not to rush into that obvious-setup and she did anyway, and when Maggie got…
That's not nothing.
Well, he clearly wasn't hate-filled and crazy when he wrote it.
I'm ex-Mormon, but I don't really feel it's fair to attribute all of Card's issues to his faith. I wouldn't really say his radical views are a result of his Mormonism.
Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead are two of my all-time favorite books (the latter in particular I just love even more the older I get) - so I have to put my fingers in my ears and hum loudly anytime Orson Scott Card does or says something.
Sounds about right to me. :D
Team Flash would tell him of course.
Yeah, he has a line in there that's cribbed from a comment I made as well.
Though I would argue his willingness to go along with Hive last year shows that he's not above selling out his morals for a little success.
Much as I love Daredevil's first season, its season finale is pretty bad.
Or couldn't they, like, let her die and then just use one of the many methods available to them in Arrowverse to bring her back to life? Like pulling her out of the time stream and moving her forward, or putting her in a magic hot tub, or replace her with Iris from another timeline? Or surely Kara and her friends…