
I totally lost in when Thawne came to the League back in 1916 and tried to explain the situation to them.

That's a great way to put it!

Seriously. I didn't think they were going to go there, and then they actually went there. And then using it as a chance to have future Nate and future Sara give themselves pep talks? And all the madness of everyone interacting themselves and each other's selves.

I hope not, too. I've really rather liked him these last few episodes.

I had a similar thought. I'm interested to see how this pans out when she gets out of the Framework.

I haven't even watched Iron Fist yet. The reviews make me think I might have to put it on in the background to get through it.

Awesome season finale. It's really not an exaggeration to say this show has improved by leaps and bounds - and easily wins the Most Improved Award for the year. I'm sad it was still a pretty short season, but there was such great quality and confidence throughout the year that I'm not going to complain too much

Wasn't that pre-betrayal team, thought?

There's always a lot of figuring things out as you go with things like this. I understand why they killed her in third season - but I can also see why they latched onto resurrecting her when they started developing this show.

Does that make her the Chosen Undead?

Was it, though? Bahrain was pre-Avengers, so I took it to mean whatever happened with the girl from Bahrain at Cambridge.

Nothing gets between Mick and his food. Not even the potential end of time and space.

Would Diggle ever reach the point of actually passing out in shock at the appearance of someone like J'onn?

From what I've read, they seem to have quite a few first season appearances planned, among other things.

I believe so - I was building off the idea cause I liked it so much.

That would be some James Kirk level of narcissism.

The Legion of Doom has been a massive step-up from Savage, which has played a big role in season 2 being such an improvement over season 1.

Between this and Agents of SHIELD, I'm having a hard time keeping track of and wrapping my head around the different, alternate/evil realities we got going on here.

Tiny little Waverider shooting at people!

So he's a triple agent then? I think that would be too complicated.