
I honestly thought it could've been a lot worse. When Alex confronted Maggie about cheating, I thought for sure it was going to blow up into some kind of "you lied to me!" conflict (or something along those lines). So when it took a turn, I was kind of relieved.

Also, I like seeing female characters be allowed to love food.

Hatcher effortlessly sells the malicious side of her character in a way I think Sorbo would struggle with.

Well, that sounds like an "it's the writer's fault" rather than "it's Barry's fault."

It's the CW?

Because you go up the ladder the same way a salmon goes upstream.

Also, the ease with which he became a superhero is an ongoing annoyance.

I know people like to blame Barry for everything…but how is it Barry's fault Kara and Mon-El broke up?

Also Parks and Rec.

Didn't know that about Katie McGrath. Yay!

I quite liked this episode but maybe that's because I have a higher threshold for Mon-El material. This is probably the first time that I felt like his relationship with Kara really worked - and I liked him telling her that one of her more annoying qualities is that she never backs down.

I dunno, I just don't see Clarke or Abby volunteering Emori against her will like that. At the very least, I'd think they'd start with potential volunteers and go from there.

I've actually been pleasantly surprised by Ilian. When we first met him - killed his family under Alie's control - I thought he was just going to be another one-note rabble-rouser. But there's been a surprising amount of nuance to his character.

And Kane's comment "we're not as good as we want to be in a crisis" was spot on.

It's the CW - of course they can't resist having beautiful, young people strip to their underwear and have sex. At least it's a step up from the pilot.

What a good episode. I'm glad the show took a break from its crazy high stakes (not to mention the tendency to explore a new option to save everyone only to have a complication set in at the last minute) and did something more intimate and personal. It's this kind of look that is really good for the show.

I think that makes Jax Gimli. Though I dunno if he really fits the mold…

Fear the old blood!

I loved that line! I enjoy how often Thawne calls out the team on being idiots.

I don't think Mick's playing a long con. I think a part of him genuinely believes that he should still be that person. But I imagine once he starts getting into the thick of it with the rest of the Legion, he'll slowly start to realize that he really can't be that thug/criminal again. He's evolved more beyond that