
My honest take on James: right now, Mon-El's filling out the space that James was supposed to fill in first season, but it never clicked right. And now Mon-El has effectively taken his place, making James redundant.

And when one of your agents looked to be potentially compromised because she might be willing to sell out said agency to daddy-who's-working-for-the-bad-guys, then he's totally in the right to call her out for it and suspend her over it.

That was definitely my thought during that scene.

Wow, I completely forgot he's acting CEO.

True. He's a needed piece of the show. Especially with Cat out of the picture.

Yeah, I didn't think J'onn should've apologized either. Under the circumstances, I thought his behavior was fair.

Personally, I'm holding out hope for a Barrowman/Garber duet (since I know they're both involved).

I haven't see that yet, but I want to. I've heard such great things.

When we found out that Hatcher and Sorbo are paired up together, I couldn't help think that the former is probably going to act circles around the latter.

I also can't help thinking that we live in an era where journalistic integrity has never been more important. And her showing up as Supergirl and expecting him to just to take her word on it "because she never lies" just rubbed me wrong.

That's kind of disappointing. Kind of like how Barry lost his job earlier this season as part of the cover-up for Caitlin and then got it back practically the very next episode. If it's not going to really come to anything, why enact it at all?

It's sad she lost her job, but I thought Carr was very in the right to fire her. Her actions - though well-intentioned - were also misguided, and she needed the cold, hard consequences.

Oh hey James - forgot you were on the show.

That sounds like it could be a glitch to me. I've played through my copy half a dozen times and had very few problems with the motion controls. In fact, I thought it was the best use of the first-person shooter elements (with the Wii remote) I've ever encountered.

I know! Hopefully it doesn't get overshadowed by everything else coming around it. Though I am kind of giddy about getting so many great titles all at once.

I'm just finishing up my playthrough of Tales of Berseria and started up Horizon: Zero Dawn which I'm already really confident I'll enjoy.

I love the Metroid Prime Trilogy! Hope you enjoy Corruption - it's more explicitly story-driven than the other two, but it's still as excellent as the others.

I'm definitely interested in trying this one (and it's already getting great reviews) but I'm afraid it might have to wait until after Horizon: Zero Dawn and Mass Effect: Andromeda for me.

I hope it happens sooner rather than later - I'm a child of the 21st century: if it ain't on Netflix, I ain't like to see it.

Though there is a small part of me that would be rather entertained to see what the world of The 100 was like if it was temporarily invaded by the Waverider.