
It's like the Kara-Mon-El setup on Supergirl. I have a sinking feeling I know exactly how this relationship is going to end…

Oh please, Curtis ain't no Gary Stu.

I'm still waiting/hoping for an explanation as to why Oliver has such a big blind spot with her.

Imo, LoT's premise more organically allows for this kind of thing, since racism and sexism are kind of hard to ignore once you start going into the past.

Along with much of the audience.

I think it's fair to say that the show - and large portions of the audience - have forgotten about it altogether.


Can he die now? Please???

But his focus on "living life" isn't my issue with his character. My issue is that, once again, he's become the character that's ragging on Clarke (or whomever else) that's making the big decisions. He's not a "big picture" kind of a guy, which is fine, not everyone is. My problem is that she's up top doing her

Yeah, but it also gives him a lot of blind spots. Last season, this meant a lot of repeatedly harping on others because of all the terribleness in his life, but he was completely unable to see that everyone else around him has it hard, too.

Don't you have to have nightblood, though? Maybe Clarke can become her flamekeeper or something.

I really don't like these predictable diversions. The moment Clarke told Raven she would make the list if the bunker didn't pan out, I knew the bunker wouldn't pan out. In the which case, what was the point of even introducing it to begin with? It was basically a huge waste of time that did little to advance the

How has Indra not been made a main character already??

And Luna maybe taking over as Commander?

I laughed when I saw John Pyper-Ferguson's name in the guest credits.

That was my thought, too! I love the idea of Octavia and Gaia (was that her name?) hanging out and becoming badass best friends.

Putting aside the show's troubling perspective on Bellamy's war crimes last season, I honestly think this is why Clarke and Bellamy are so good for each other. He's the only other one that really gets it the way she does, and it's why they're great support for each other at the top.

I like to think there will be. Even if they shorten it and/or definitively say it's their last.

I bet she remembers she's an LMD - but since he was programmed to know going in and she wasn't (is my guess) I wouldn't be surprised if she turns against the other LMDs and helps FitzSimmons.

I loved his terrible Russian. Half of what he said was gibberish, and May even mocked him for it.