They installed it as a direct result of learning that May was an LMD.
They installed it as a direct result of learning that May was an LMD.
I remember back in first season the show laying it on a bit thick with who May used to be, and the whole "she loved pulling pranks" idea.
Yes! He was great in the first half of season two with Fitz.
Either way, there's a lot of great potential for where they could take it.
They're all LMDs within the framework.
Is there precedence for this in the comics? Surely you start running into problems when it comes to duplicating anyone with any kind of superpowers.
True - but I'm still wary of making her the villain. Because everyone always makes the robot into the villain.
I'd be genuinely curious to know if this is what the writers intended for him. And it's Zack McGowan - he's no slouch. Maybe it's partly because he's being overshadowed by more interesting characters like Radcliffe and Aida.
Mack's been a bit of a judgmental wet blanket last couple of weeks. I think he works best when he's just the dude that stabs people with his shotgun axe and bros out with Coulson.
I'm also enjoying the constant bait and switch with Aida. When she first turned "evil" at the start of the arc (before we knew about Radcliffe) it looked like a predictable: someone turned a robot and they went bad! But then of course, it turned out she was just Aida 2.0 and Radcliffe was pulling the strings. Now,…
My guess for Coulson and May? Their LMD models will have the romance they never did (and possibly never could).
We've never really gotten to see "young and loose" Melinda May before and it was awesome.
No way they're not keeping Radcliffe around for the rest of the season. Maybe if Aida becomes big bad, he's forced to become reluctant ally to SHIELD? (Which could be amazing.)
Coulson-May flashbacks! I love your for this, show. Whatever way it ends up going - platonic or romantic - their scene together were adorable.
I giggled so hard at Lillian sitting in the courtroom unfazed by the chaos around her while everyone else fled in panic.
And given how much effort she's been putting into in not defining herself by the Luthor name, it would make her all the more impressive a hero in the end if that was her sincere goal all along, and she was able to remain good throughout.
I think what worked for me about Well/Thawne in first season was the fatherly characterization. He was unmasked as Flash's ultimate arch-enemy, yet he spent so much of the season selflessly seeking out other metas to atone for the particle accelerator and cultivating these great relationships with Cisco and Barry in…
Okay, but my point is that Lena is already a better developed character than James. Meaning that Kara's arguments hold more weight than James's. Kara's arguments about having faith in Lena come from a solid groundwork from a well-defined friendship and Kara's history in having faith in people. James's arguments -…
Or maybe, like you said upthread, she's kind of on her own side of villainy. She could be allied with Lex against everyone (Cadmus and her mother included) in which case she could also sometimes be on the side of Supergirl.