Sad, but likely true.
Sad, but likely true.
That scene with him, Kara, and James is what officially sold me on the character. His sour personality is exactly what this show needs to help balance out the sugar.
Guardian WISHES he was John Diggle…
Yeah, Roulette was a total waste. I appreciate that they're keeping her around as a potential recurring villain, but it felt like they brought her back to bring her back, but couldn't think of anything to actually do with her.
That was a real missed opportunity. Though I suspect they went with it because Star Trek is more commonly known than Stargate SG-1.
It helps that Wynn hasn't thrown any hissyfits at anyone this year.
I think that's EXACTLY what he needs.
I also got emotional when I saw Caity Lotz with some Flash cast members at a march.
I am greatly missing Lena myself. Hope they don't push her to the side for too long.
I'll just jump in here to once again state that I really think James needs to meet Barry and Oliver, as it could very well do wonders for his character.
*pushes up glasses*
I felt like much of this episode was about reasserting the status quo established in the first half of the season.
Ethical or ethnical?
I must've missed that. Good catch.
It's probably also contingent upon whether or not a Good Place even exists at all.
Well technically, that wasn't the case on Lost. It was just a popular theory that the producers played on for the finale. In that case, they all went to a Purgatory they created together after they died (relative to when each of them died). The island was just credited with what brought them together.
They were all in Purgatory all along!
I'd be tempted to start calling this "The Good Bad Place" now if doing so weren't so inherently spoilery.
And they're such great questions to be considered. We (by which I mean western culture) tend to have such a stock "fire and brimstone" view of hell. But this show asks things like, "what if you went to hell and didn't know it? what if not knowing that you were in hell was - in its own twisted way - part of being in…