
I wouldn't be opposed to Eleanor/Tahani, but I also like the idea of them staying as platonic friends - and as we saw a couple episodes back, finding surprising things about each of them that allows them to bond. Especially because of the way it was utilized to undercut the traditional "two women love the same man

I would hazard a guess that if it gets a second season, the show will continue to explore the notion that people can still change for the better after death.

Michael's evil laugh was just the best.

That was my response to the Alan Tudyk droid dying in Rogue One.

They do have a bit of a recurring problem with that on this show.

Can I put in a vote for Lynda Carter?

I love the image of May being so irritated by Other May.

That's pretty much how I feel about Rip Hunter.

Which makes it sound like we're shipping Reese and Finch now.

That word can get dangerously overused. Not just in Arrowverse - for the time I was into Once Upon a Time, it got to the point that I wanted to throw things at the screen every time someone declared themselves a hero.

Also, Nick could never hope to have the same kind of rapport with Mick that Ray does.

AoS is also treating it with a bit more seriousness. LoT kind of looks at it every other week, and then shrugs and goes back to having Ray make overeager and nerdy references to things. They even blew off the "he lost his suit" thing by having him conveniently get a new one in time for the crossover.

Roxxon also played a role in Iron Man 3 and Agent Carter.

I heartily agree. Nothing else in the MCU makes the universe feel as lived-in and ongoing as AoS.

I dunno, I could see Real May being equally nonplussed about getting her leg chopped off.

I'm hoping we'll learn that Radcliffe is secretly a Skyrim addict - hence the dragon.

Me too! That would be a horribly cruel thing of ABC/Disney to do.

Are you talking about Real May, or LMD May?

That could be their great excuse to bring Brett Dalton back.

It can be two things.