I guess the way I would see it is that AoS doesn't have filler, but it often comes at the cost of character.
I guess the way I would see it is that AoS doesn't have filler, but it often comes at the cost of character.
That's one of the big reasons I'm so meh on Nate. He occupies the exact same emotional space as Ray, which often makes one (or both) of them look redundant.
I actually really like that about Mace. It makes him a more interesting character.
I like this show a lot, and the criticism about filler is fair, but there are advantages to a slower pace. At their best, the Arrowverse shows use the in-between episodes for good character work. Something I sometimes wish this should would do.
I'm still waiting for the twist when we learn that Radcliffe is really a robot, and that he was built by a woman who looks exactly like Aida.
"So here's to Fake Eleanor - the Walmart of friends."
And I liked that he's still someone sincerely invested in the cause.
Patton Oswalt's returning???
*does the Dance of Joy*
Yeah, the little easter eggs are really all we need.
I…would actually enjoy seeing that happen. He's so self-contained, it could be an interesting turn for the character.
Talbot has grown on me far more than I ever thought he would. It doesn't hurt that he and Coulson always play off each other really well.
I still remember being floored by the episode where Fred's parents show up and she just seamlessly transitions between Fred and Illyria. That was the first time I really appreciated how great an actor she is.
Yeah, I liked fifth season, but it definitely needed more time to breath.
I don't know that I can see her as anyone but Root now. I would spend all of her time on-screen wondering when she would reveal that she was secretly the avatar of a godlike AI that's been following all of their lives.
I know it was plausible and in-character for Radcliffe, but I still thought it was a bit of a duh, of course May wouldn't respond well to a day at the spa. Get it together, dude.
Yeah, I rather agree with this. You can have a mediocre story and fantastic gameplay and get a great game - but really not the reverse.
Mass Effect: Andromeda - it's BioWare and it's more Mass Effect, so even if it's bad (which I doubt) I can't imagine not playing it
Horizon: Zero Dawn - in addition to the robot dinosaurs, I love that this potentially big new IP has a female lead
Nioh - apparently all someone has to do is say "inspired by Dark Souls" to…
I tried really, really hard to like Heavy Rain. And I actually even like that Cage is actively trying to challenge things like letting story and character set a stronger precedent than gameplay.
Is the Inhumans tv series willing to take any elements established by SHIELD? The way Feige's been talking, it sounded like it wasn't going to take away anything laid down by AoS.
It would be probably be too much to ask for some Chiwetel Ejiofor…