
The city is fast losing it's "identity". I barely recognize the neighborhood I grew up in, now it's all hipsters and condos. The character and the real gems of this city are disappearing every day.

I was responding to a general comment about newcomers not specifically targeting Taylor?

Transplants acting like native New Yorkers are in the wrong for being angry about things like being priced out of the neighborhoods they were born in because some "writer" with a liberal arts degree and a trust fund wants to live in Brooklyn.

But no one is advocating judging individual people. We're talking about judging the institutions. At least I am, anyway.

Bill Maher is problematic for a host of reasons, but I'm not going to say I think he's wrong about Islam. He's equally hard on Orthodox Judaism, Catholicism, and Evangelical Christianity in Religulous. Every one of them is a sexist institution that oppresses women and minorities. At best, they're ignorant, and at

The difference between NY natives and the people who move here is the difference between bagels here and bagels anywhere else on earth.

LOLOLOL. Native New Yorkers are about the least self indulgent people I've ever met. You must be talking about the liberal arts students from the Midwest who seem so fond of relocating.

Uh, yeah, and it doesn't revolve around you either. There are plenty of valid reasons why pets aren't allowed in stores, not limited to the damage they can do to merchandise and other peoples' allergies and discomfort. It's actually against the law in my home state to bring animals into stores unless they're service

In the grand tradition of songs about my native city, this one has got to be one of the worst.

Um...those of us violently allergic to animal fur are quite happy to able to do our shopping without fear of being pounced on by your pet and having hives for the rest of the day. Douche.

It's almost like everyone's bodies are different and each person has a different pain tolerance and every dentist has different procedures that work for their specific area of oral surgery and practice.

I think there are definitely genuine people out there who just connect to the show for whatever reason and use it to fill a void in their lives. Whether or not it's healthy or normal is another debate, but they're not hurting anybody. Hopefully this guy is one of those as opposed to the crazies who feel the need to

Yeaaah. What people don't realize is this is actually super common. I worked at a Broadway show that had several "super fans". The familiar faces didn't so much give the cast a boost as make them wonder if they were going to be skinned and worn like last year's Versace at some point. They used to buy really creepy

I never knew that! Interesting. All I know is certain ones make me very sneezy and make my head hurt.

You seem to care A LOT about internet comments sections. There's not really anything that could ever happen in one that would make me genuinely upset IRL, barring some kind of credible threat against my life. So...good news, hanging avoided! Please feel free to ignore all the comments that agree with me and also

Actually, my original comment has hundreds of likes and no one seems to care about your points. So...most people seem to come down on the side of sanity.

When is someone going to invent something that helps allergy sufferers not sneeze all over everyone when trapped in a small space with someone wearing too much perfume? I swear, the people who buy perfume have NO sense of what's an appropriate amount to wear when you're planning on being in close proximity to others.

Yup. This argument is days old and you can talk to the wall, I'm glad plenty of reasonable people disagree with you.

I actually don't, but I'm not engaging with this anymore. Your comments are just uneducated and I refuse to debate emotions instead of facts. Who's a mother and who isn't has little to do with whether or not this is medical negligence, which is the issue in the suit.

I never said NYC was the center? I don't even plan on living here in three months. It has plenty of downsides. It was my example because I know it best. I love plenty of other places.