
If the public doesn't understand what the word is, what it means to keep it around, where it comes from, how can we ever expect to do more than just shut people up? I'm more interested in hoping that education can create less racists, not riling up the ones we do have with gestures like this.

Exactly. It's not like her reaction indicated in any way that she did not intend on loving and caring for her child, it sounds like she was shocked that this could happen considering one would think a company that provides sperm would find it of utmost importance to know what is in the samples they are charging money

That troubles me infinitely less than the fact that a biomedical company that provides sperm is incapable of accurately labeling their samples.

To you and me, yes. But would the FCC differentiate between the two different usages when doling out fines? It's unclear in this article and to me it doesn't seem like they would, which is problematic to me.

LOLOL omg you're so funny, joking about people being terrible parents for no reason is hilarious.

As someone who was an adopted baby and was born to a family that I had little in common with racially, I have to say that I completely understand her feelings. Bringing a child into an environment where people are not going to deal well with their race isn't good for the child, whether or not their reasoning is sound.

Censorship sends more than just one message. Look, I feel the same away about banning "fuck" or "pussy" or any other words that the FCC has deigned "inappropriate". I just don't believe in banning words. There is intelligent discussion that can be had that could educate people that would involve naming the things that

I disagree with any words being banned outright. The idea that there is no intelligent discussion to be had about words that are offensive or make people uncomfortable or that are hurtful is just silly. And I extend that to "curse" words, words for body parts that make white men uncomfortable, and whatever else the

But what if a show wanted to have a legitimate discussion about the word and about it's history and actually have intelligent conversation designed to educate people about WHY the word is so odious to so many people? Would use of it in that context be fined? I don't know that I agree with that being the case, if so.

That's a fair point.

I'm so torn on this. I think that the team name should be changed and "redskins" is a word we should probably all try to stop using, but I just hate banning words outright. We should be able to talk about things without being fined. I also don't see why "curse words" should be censored. Censoring things doesn't change

Okay, but you still have no empirical evidence for any of your claims, so...

So we'll just run the country based on your personal judgment then? It's not illegal. If you want it to be illegal, do something about it. Then he could be prosecuted and judged accordingly. But until then, I just see a whole lot of speculative whining.

For people who care about the earth, they sure did leave their signs and trash all over Midtown Manhattan. Maybe they should check their own backyard first.

Sorry, I just don't believe in assigning motives to people I don't know without evidence. Feel free to continue baselessly speculating on your own though!

Who says he wouldn't have done the same if it were a family of any race he decided not to like? There is NO empirical evidence to back up the claim that it was racially motivated. Please, don't let facts get in the way of your phony oppressed whining.

Just wondering where the proof is that it was racially motivated?

But as is, am I correct in understanding that this man has not broken any laws?

Whether I find it appropriate or inappropriate is a different question than whether I find it legal or illegal.

So do you have proof that the kind of porn being displayed was violent, illegal, or offensive in a specific way or are you just speculating?