
Take a deep breath Brad.

First things first, this guy is an asshole.

It is all about batteries. Forget about the cars, they are test beds for proving their battery performance. Their real profitability will be in being a battery supplier for other manufacturers in the future. Focusing on the current cars being their sole product is a short sited view.

Jackass........hmmm ........ how many multi-million dollar companies are you an executive for?

The one and only good thing about Trump’s presidency is how it will cement him in history as the fucking idiot he is.

I’ve told the misses that they could put a toll booth for the line of people that’d piss on this grave, and then charge $5 a bottle of water the other side of it so people could re-hydrate and get back in line, and it’d cure the national debt.

A lot of those women became millionaires and even billionaires selling young girls a body image that was no more real than anime. There is value in pointing out how much of a lie the image is. And I have to ask, is the lie not misogyny? Is photoshop, hours of make up, surgery, and a team of experts to post a single

Is this Elon’s version of the “Deep State”, or is it the real thing?

What kind of monster drives 20 minutes to the credit union in person to pay a car note? Are you actually retarded or just have nothing to do?

I feel like this is when I want credit for cleaning the whole house after I merely plugged in the vacuum.

I mean, that’s fancy and all.... but two things.

The background of those photos is very empty....
I see ONE car being assembled with what appears to be one single stage of assembly....

Is this it? They want us all on board for a few obviously staged photos with too much empty space in the background?

Psh, you call that an oil/fluid puddle? I’m shocked that Earther hasn’t done an expose on my truck.

Jeep’s marketing is phenomenal. It’s the car people “want” to buy. It’s the only lower end car I can think of that has that kind of brand cachet.

I overheard someone the other day say “Every vehicle in this campground is either a truck, a SUV or a Jeep.” I was blown away buy how good Jeep brand marketing must be that people consider them in their own vehicle category. I can’t remember seeing a commercial where Ford or GM openly compete with Jeep. While they are

I’m in South Florida now....

Ride in Atlanta and you will get rid of all wheels, trade that bike in for some crutches.... or some pallbearers.

I work with an engineer who grew up in a refugee camp in Africa (Ethiopia I think). He’s one of the smartest people I’ve met, and his brother runs a hospital or something. We should be trying to get as many people like him as possible into this country.

The stupidest thing is, I do not believe that there is any family reunification visa that would allow someone to bring their uncle to the US as a permanent resident. It is limited to spouses, children, parents, and siblings. There are a limited number of visas available each year and applicants are strictly vetted. 

I dont want some guys uncle from Kansas who thinks all brown and black people are criminals to be in America. Can we deport all racist uncles from Kansas?