
Yeah, that ship has sailed, sunk and the survivors written off as lost.

So...that scene from Coco was culturally accurate after all.

Local shops are no guarantee of ethical behavior. In fact sometimes they can be worse, because if they have a low-enough employee count, they don’t have to obey certain workplace laws that bigger outfits must follow.

Back in the old days that really was true. I was able to talk to people who clearly knew what they were selling. In the early 2000's that already started to change. They would hire inexperienced people who had some technical training, but not necessarily real world experience. And then after that they just hired

Now playing

Bring out the ol’ Chanclas for these degenerates!

When Home Depot first opened (nationwide), they did have individuals in the various trades that could actually help and knew what materials/products they had in stock.  Was actually a decent store for a short while.  Then the big box mentality set in and it started going downhill, followed by being bought out by

Must’ve been in the ‘90s that Home Despot was running commercials about how much experience their employees had working in the industries that related to the departments they worked in in the stores. A twenty year plumber would help you pick out the right parts for your DIY job. That sort of thing.

I’m old enough to remember when this was called Ghost Riding.

The police officers were not only more than happy to comply, the fucking mayor thinks its disturbing that people blame the police here. Law and order as we know it is being thrown out the window and a depressingly small number of people care at all.

These police officers should be charged with conspiracy. At the very least they should be fired. Police staging a phony sting to arrest a sex worker plying her trade legally because of a petty grievance is not only a waste of tax dollars, it shows where they stand ethically.

I wish I could say I was surprised to see th

Wwithout Sergio it’s actually kinda hard to think of the person I would be. I started becoming a car person (not all of us are born or raised this way) around 2012, right as Fiat was reentering the US. I picked up a 500 Pop as the perfect city car. A year and a half later I swapped for an Abarth. I began to make a

I worked at Chrysler from 2011-2014 and everyone I talked to who was working there prior to bankruptcy talked about how much better the work environment, handling of programs, and overall quality of employment was after Fiat took control. He did more good for that company than most people will ever realize.

Agreed. All that foliage is a deep shade of drought now and forever.

That is a tool for crowd and riot control.

Asset forfeiture as currently implemented in the USA is nothing more than a literal license to steal. Your possessions are considered ‘guilty’ unless and until you can prove them ‘innocent’ - putting the onus of proof on you. It’s UTTER BS. Anyone thinking that becoming a cop is a cool and viable career path lately des

At least those funds are carefully collected with strict oversight from suspects and the money or property is promptly returned if no crime was committed...

If seizing assets went through the courts, the due process would satisfy the 14th Amendment equal protection clause.

Asset forfeiture is a scandal and a travesty. If conducted at all it should be court-approved and paid into the state like taxes, not used as an individual sheriff’s personal or departmental slush fund.

This. All of this.

There is a reason they kicked his ass out in short order.

This “pedo” comment is the line. The whole SpaceX-canister-repurposed into-a-rescue-vessel seemed at first like he genuinely wanted to help, but quickly turned to PR stunt with him personally delivering it to Thailand. Then to accuse a rescue diver, who actually contributed to the rescue, of a heinous crime with no