
You sit there and talks about respect for the nation, the flag, the troops.

“I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from beginning, without hesitation!”

Just like child rape, there is only one valid defense to having sex with someone in police custody -

It’s called insubordination.......people get fired for it all the time.

According to her spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham,“Mrs. Trump is independent and acts independently from her husband.”

Where did that “wonderful economy” come from you jackhole? Did it magically just fix itself overnight when Obama was out of office? The stock market was at record highs and has continued to climb even thought Trump has done NOTHING and is out putzing around on a golf course. Since you are so knowledgeable, what

That’s true in many ways, but this country’s dark side isn’t just being unmasked; it’s being elevated to higher levels of official power. In this case, apathy and disregard for the rights of disabled schoolchildren are not only being openly expressed, but actively dismantling established government policy. At least

It really is shocking. Disabled children. Disabled. Children. How do these awful people have a problem with children with a disability. Good gravy.

I work in early childhood special education. Medicaid pays a lot of the school-based services for students with disabilities. Staff, equipment, and supplies for SpEd students are billed to Medicaid. School-based therapies (speech, physical therapy, occupational therapy), assistive technology like communication

Finally! These disabled children have enjoyed the free ride for too long! Enjoy your inadequate schools, underpaid teachers, lack of aides, inadequate funding, lack of attention, lack of appropriate educational material, inadequate safety measures, inadequate vocational training and assistance, lack of...

what do those people that need help have to do with that government thats in debt? Just because maybe those in charge didnt do their job dont mean American citizens need to suffer.

Here’s the thing: Every time Trump opens his mouth and declares he gives it a 10, or they are doing an A+ job, he brings attention right back to the fact that things are going really bad in PR right now and he’s bullshitting to inflate his ego (and stoke his base).

Even if the situation was the exact same with Obama in

He did. Did you already forget about Sandy?

I hope Kelly feels the weight of what his son would think of him, for the rest of his miserable fucking life.

“Women are sacred, except for the women Trump groped, assaulted, harassed or walked in on in their dressing room.”

John Kelly would have been “a kid growing up” in the 50s and 60s. I know the old folks all tend to be a little selective in recalling the good ol’ days, but holy fucking mother of fuck, people. If a man of his supposed intelligence really believes the 19fucking50s were the glory days for women being “looked upon with

Yep. Men are getting called out for being creepy more and more lately. Rightfully so. But this puts many men in the position of always feeling paranoid of coming across as creepy. It has become increasingly passe for a man to just approach a woman out of the blue and asking for a date.

I find a lot more men are anxious about approaching women lately. There was this dude, who have the same “ caffeine runs” as me. We see each other at Starbucks all the time..... this went on for 6 months .... I would smile , offer lingering glares but he still didn’t approached me .... he’s tall, handsome and could

Watching Auntie Rachel last night about this was enough to give any sane person a rage stroke. The USS Comfort is docked, finally, in Puerto Rico, with hundreds of hospital beds at the ready and 800 doctors and nurses and PAs ready to help, and yesterday, while at least 4 people died in hospitals in San Juan itself

Just in case this didn’t crop up here before now.