It is really hard to prove “he said she said” cases 60 years after an event. If you had a woman accusing a mothers ex boyfriend of molesting her at 5 years old, 60 years later how in the world are you going to prove that case?
It is really hard to prove “he said she said” cases 60 years after an event. If you had a woman accusing a mothers ex boyfriend of molesting her at 5 years old, 60 years later how in the world are you going to prove that case?
That simultaneously makes no sense and doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.
I was at a newstand in an airport and there was this middle aged guy in front of me at the checkout buying a Billo book. He was on my flight, and while at the gate he proceeded to parade up and down the aisles with proudly displaying the book for all to see. On the flight he was a couple of rows across from me. From…
If you don’t know what you are talking about, why are you speaking?
So it’s a no duh on the Kardashian/Jenner clan expanding to maternity markets right? I mean they would be idiots not to release some kind of line and profit off of all of the other knocked up harlots right? Not that the Kardashians are knocked up harlots...they are rich.
He has a point, it isn’t about what “the party” thinks or listens to. It is about the fact that both sides are making wild assumptions that everyone is inline 100% with either parties leadership positions. Democrat or Republican, Christian or Buddist there isn’t a person alive that is 100% true to anything they…
Depends on what part of the country you are in. You want a newer home in Southern California (2006+), 90%+ chance you will have an HOA. Took me months to find a newer home that met my criteria with no HOA.
It’s not contradictory in the slightest. There are plenty of pro-choice Republicans, Republicans who advocate for LGBTQ rights, Republicans who understand the separation of church and state.
One of the most recognizable and widely adored faces of Audi’s world-beating Le Mans prototype program will now head…
In cases where the police and other rescuers are experienced, it is a good idea for them to prevent a mass of people from randomly whacking away at an unstable pile of rubble. It makes other efforts to locate survivors hard because their faint signals are difficult to hear and it can cause further collapse and may…
He needs to inventory every vehicle on the property and its condition. I would propose he sit down with whoever is monitoring the progress and propose a one month reprieve to inventory and catalog all of the cars with the agreement he will then be willing to abide by the original 25 cars per month term.
20? Christ. Even at 25, it’s to late for me to pretty much do anything with my life.
Yeah “only” mid 60s. I run outside in shorts when it’s 32 degrees. Californians need to toughen up.
“Not sure it would have ended as well if they knew we were US Navy/Coast Guard.”
Off on a tangent, but Man on Fire > Taken.
As someone who is currently in school to be an ASL interpreter, this situation is one that happens daily. The only difference is that this one was televised instead of happening in a private doctor’s office or K-12 classroom. Deaf and hard of hearing people deserve qualified and certified interpreters who are held to…
SOOOOOO I had always heard stories about this old-ass (now deceased, RIP) partner at my firm. Just how he ate the “free food” that showed up after meetings and stuff. I have a rule: If I don’t see it get put down, I don’t eat it. I hadn’t seen this salad get put down, so I continued through the kitchen area to the…
Can we add office potlucks to this list cause Janice and her odd Jell-O & marshmallow salad.. #VOM