
Yeah man the only thing holding you back from being rich is having skills or knowledge or insight into technology.

Hurr durr. Your average guy in a garage can barely program his nest thermostat let alone write a computer algorithm dude lol. All that money and they still haven’t gotten it right. First one that does will be a trillion dollar company.

Some part of me wants Rockstar to announce RDR for the Switch. But not PC.

It’s this weird-ass sort of eugenics they’re wanting to do. If you can’t “hack it” through their bullshit American hazing ritual — involving being the right skin color, conforming to certain cultural roles they want to enforce, etc — you just don’t make it and out you go. By removing forced protections, they’re

I guess I don’t understand. Why is it a bad thing to protect against sex discrimination? Or to keep pollution out of our air & water? Or to pay people equally for the same job? Or to have regulations in place to keep buildings from falling down or people from being poisoned? I just can’t wrap my mind around whatever

WAIT WUT. Jimmy Johns is an abortion of a sandwich shop. They have nothing but cold mediocrity, only one type of cheese, they SPATULA the goddamn mayo on there, and yet people line up out the door while superior places like Quiznos and Jersey Mike’s are often across the street. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE.

Didn’t you know: Jesus wanted the poor and down trodden to give more, while asking nothing of the rich. /s

He also preached to survivors not to give in to a “victimhood mentality” then passed around the collection plate. I’m not kidding. He passed around the collection plate asking people who have probably lost everything to give him money. This guy has no shame and doesn’t even pretend to be anything other than a money

I live here. In the areas most affected (that means underwater,) there haven’t been ways to immediately get to a shelter. They have had to wait for rescue, or brave the floodwaters to get to relative safety. Some of these folks have been flooded out of their homes before they could grab provisions. Some were able to

Meh, take the food. The store likely has some sort of insurance. It’s not like they can sell it now, so they’re going to list all the inventory as a loss anyways. People gotta lighten up. Folks out here just trying to live.

Could you lend that soapbox you’re up on there to some people down in Houston? They’re currently up to their necks in dirty ass water and just trying to find some food to survive.

Survival wouldn’t appear to require looting a grocery store.

Reminds me of this old joke:

Of course, Trump had nothing to do with Harvey but it’s now, more than ever, painfully obvious that Trump is going to rollback as much as he can from the Obama Administration because...reasons (i.e. the black guy did it, so it must be bad/subpar). I just hope everyone remembers this BS in 2018/2020 (probably not

My M3 looks unconcerned?