She has to fuck Steve Mnuchin. She’s paying in her own way.
Wtf is wrong with everyone in this administration and public service? First Zinke’s wife is live-tweeting their exotic Greek vacation and now Linton is bragging about her private taxpayer expensed jet and designer clothes? He’s worth $500 million but couldn’t pay for a private jet or 1st class but had to ride off…
How about “Ulysses S. Grant Kicked Robert E Lee’s Ass Highway”
I said the same this morning about that NYTimes OpED by Flake about immigration. I think that guy is terrible but if a US Senator writes an OpED in a national newspaper that seems so heartfelt and makes so much sense well: “well done Senator Flake”
At this very moment on this question Arnold is standing on the correct side.
As you note, Arnold has never been what one might call a progressive. He has some pretty toxic beliefs, in my opinion. So for someone like him to make a video like this speaks volumes about just how messed up things are in the US right now. I’m gonna go ahead and say something I never thought I would say: “well done,…
It’s an Oceanaire. The tipped employees already make $25 an hour, if not more. This is a restaurant that has a single person check average of over 80 bucks, and the bar staff can take home $300 on a Monday night. They’re not poor. Hell, I once pulled over $2000 in a week— after taxes.—(BOH staff are a different…
Judge Judy Sheindlin is an American icon and gem. She ought to be treasured and beloved, not disrespected. Shame on you!
This is way off base and as an engineer who is obsessed with efficiency, Disney and ABC were definitely in the wrong and deserved to pay up.
It’s a Chechen wedding. Car closest to the bride and groom is considered the best or some shit. It’s their tradition, they always do it.
The driver of the Smart car - a 60 year-old man - did not die as a result of this crash. I think that speaks volumes about the relative safety of the Smart car.
A curious statement here, since this Smart Car seems to have protected its driver from dying in a severe crash.
This is even more obvious when you consider that many of them were erected, not after the civil war, but in response to various civil rights demonstrations throughout the early and mid 1900's as a blatent threat to African Americans and promise to stay committed to white supremacy.
Your boner pill advice is moronic. She clearly needs foreplay to get in the mood and he clearly feels like she just wants him to get it over with already and has anxiety because she clearly is just “taking one for the team”.
Damn, I just realized that too!
I just got that he is sighting the mushroom cloud with his thumb. That’s fucked!!
Not to mention they just got down with the remodel (which it needed) like, what, last year? It made it even more crowded.