Umm - did anybody care to tell him he didn’t have to show up in character?
Umm - did anybody care to tell him he didn’t have to show up in character?
She started a damn go fund me for the tire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Less twats like this guy and more real commenters!
Exactly. The number of times he referenced his own interests vs. those of the American people shows you exactly what kind of president he is.
Right? His followers are so invested in the macho man figure they think he cuts, but he’s just a sniveling little turd.
It’s so weird. I knew before reading that it was going to be a Fyre Festival but I wasn’t prepared to learn that he talks like a whiny little bitch in front of other world leaders.
Reading these was so... I don’t even know what word to use. Like, it was confirming in the fact that Trump is completely in over his head, but it was also sickening to see just how terrible a situation it really was. Like, something that I needed to see even though I knew it wasn’t going to be good. I’m sure there’s…
So to summarize, ICE is actually ruining the promising futures of young men who came to this country as children, worked hard, and thrived. Meanwhile, the DOJ is busy investigating the tragic plight of the white kids ‘discriminated’ against in college admissions. And over at the Dept of Ed, DeVos is clutching her…
Yeah, I read the Washington Post story, and it could be a lot shorter if it just said “a lot of people didn’t read the original contractand decided to go to war over $125, but upon reading everyone went ‘uh-oh, our bad, nvm’”.
Lawyer here. God yes! Fucking read the contract!!
Fuck these people.
And this isn’t even the biggest story about Trump’s lies today.
This is a 72 year old woman and these are very venomous snakes infesting her house. If she accidentally stepped on one or got too close and spooked one to the point where it bit her, she could easily die. Copperheads are not threatened or endangered, in fact they’re classified under “Least Concern.”
Copperheads are exceedingly dangerous, and a nest of them under a residence is a situation that more than justifies their extermination. That’s all there is to that.
Seriously, I advocate against killing and paid some guy a couple of hundred dollars to “relocate” 6 or 7 skunks, moving them from under my cabin to somewhere out in the nearby forest. But I would kill a pack of poisonous snakes that had taken up residence under the house, just like this brave old lady. Aren’t…
are you pontificating from Park Slope or some shit