What is the solution? Tell him to get off the plane or the entire flight is canceled. There is no way you are getting out of this airport on this plane. It would still be a huge PR nightmare for them....but they wouldn’t have assaulted someone.
What is the solution? Tell him to get off the plane or the entire flight is canceled. There is no way you are getting out of this airport on this plane. It would still be a huge PR nightmare for them....but they wouldn’t have assaulted someone.
They also could have put the crew members on another plane, or canceled the flight that the other planes crew were supposed to be on. They cancel flights all the time, so not like it is a big deal. Customers come first is clearly not a United airlines policy.
No the United States is currently the lap dog, or are you not paying attention?
You mean they were warned to move their planes, weapons and personnel so that they wouldn’t be damaged while we bombed some pavement and old dismantled planes. Don’t be a fool.
Yeah.....probably has nothing to do with the fact Trump and Tillerson basically just gave Assad a free pass through the press this week. Pure coincidence....definitely the last president’s fault.....
You show us the science that backs this up that wasn’t funded by a religious entity. “Don’t deny the science. When kids grow up in married heterosexual households where one parent can be encouraged to stay home with the children and both parents are college educated those families thrive in America and create good…
Or commit suicide.....you know, whatever.
“We’re a conservative religious organization that teaches about sexual control and marriage and that’s bigotry to you? “
Man you’re keeping it 100% in the 1830's.
And every person at those events is fully aware of the risk and possible injury. Drivers on a drive down the freeway when this guy decides to be a dumbass aren’t given the option of not having a motorcycle fall through their windshield at high speed.
What happens when he has a mechanical failure and the bike and he land on a car traveling 65 mph? How do you not comprehend that he is endangering the people driving below that don’t want a motorycle falling through their windshield at high speed.
So maybe there are ulterior motives to their acquisition? Patents, Talent, Manufacturing, Installers......there are a number of reasons a bigger company might acquire an unprofitable one. How is that a reflection of Tesla’s potential growth as an energy company?
You need to watch some of those Orange Show Speedway cluster F@ck videos. Just because you don’t spin doesn’t mean you are in a controlled drift.
They are the highest valued because of the fact that they are an energy company that makes cars. While they are expected to expand their car business with the model 3, they are expected to drastically expand their energy business. Don’t be a fool and focus on what is likely the least profitable aspect of Tesla.
The fact that the Ablasion castings are likely damaged means this thing won’t even be fixed. Unless it is 100% dismantled and then the chassis is returned to the PMC factory. They would need to tear down most if not the entire chassis to replace the ablasion castings in the front and re-weld the whole chassis back…
Actually Honda has a lot more prestige than Acura at this point. I think that was a compliment.
Based on the area, Mexican flags flying from the trucks and videos........I don’t think a lot of the people are necessarily citizens......... I could be wrong.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money to do the work right the first time, in fact it is typically a lot cheaper. But a lot of the work ( the transmission especially) was half assed multiple times. That isn’t smart or cheap.
He is the spokesperson for the Chrysler Pacifica......... a dadmobile
Wow.... I didn’t know this indisputable fact “Do you know what men do to women who rebuff them? They rape and kill them.”