There is what we would like to happen and then there is what happens.
There is what we would like to happen and then there is what happens.
Correct! Everything needs an off switch because something could be shorting to cause a fire or it could be shorting and dropping voltage to other critical components.
This has been a thing for as long as I can remember. The only way to get close to a decent deal on a Tacoma is to buy one new. Of course, nobody knows what craigslist sellers are actually getting for these cars other than the craigslist sellers themselves and I found it useless to try to talk numbers with them.
I’m not sure why they use motorcycles with forward controls in training courses. Because it keeps pegs away from where new riders will want to plop their feet for stability? Because people are likely to buy forward control bikes? Their main disadvantage is that you’re never part of the bike and the learning experience…
She died because a warning sign is soooo much cheaper than a blast deflector.
These are wonderful cars and I voted NP on this one. Just know that you’re buying a death trap. Enjoy a fun summer drive on a Sunday or to the local car show or swap meet now and then but I would advise people to not commute or tour in them.
Because the F-35 changes the game. Dog fights don’t matter anymore. You are stuck thinking about 4th generation fighter superiority. It’s like putting down motorcycles because they can’t jump hedges like your horse. Nobody is jumping hedges anymore.
The fact that you are still harping on the F-35 not beating an F-16C in a dogfight means that you don’t understand the F-35 or are simply advertising your bias. Sure, the project is a mess. Did the US really need a $1 TRILLION fifth generation fighter aircraft at all? Nope! But neither of these things take away from…
The article should have mentioned, as some already pointed out in the comments, that unlike US systems, the Chinese are pioneering “dockless” bike share systems. These bikes do not require that they be checked into a dock at the end of use. This makes them harder to track. Portland, Oregon has a new hybrid system that…
I used to ha ha ha at dumb posts like yours but then a reality TV show clown got elected prez and now I have to deal w swastikas, sig heils and other idiotic shit that I never thought I would actually have to deal with on a daily basis soooooo....
You knew that this was a non-story because travelers were pass passengers and went w it anyway? It’s dissappointing to learn that your boss pressures you to publish like this. Best of luck finding a more respectable job elsewhere. I hope the job search is productive so far.
Yes, let’s hear what the guy who got angry and killed another driver on the track has to say about racing safety.
You should see a shrink. Unless you’re still a teenager. In that case, don’t worry about it. You’ll grow out of it.
And what does Lanesplitter pay for commenters to write their articles for them?
Two stories.
Rider in recommendation #9 photo probably enjoyed scraping the baked on goop off his headlights the day after track day because he was too lazy to disconnect them.
You have it backwards. The impressive part is that they flew so slow. The prop plane could have messed w them by slowing down forcing them into a stall or to pull around again.
1) - 5 minutes to traverse 2km results in a ground speed of 24 kph. My guess is that the Turks were yapping their warnings at the Su24 flight crews while they were in Syrian airspace. Not only that but it’s a good bet that Russian flight crews have gotten used to this chatter and ignored it as background noise while…