At my school, we have morning meeting and what is called Second Step. It teaches about controlling emotions and empathy for others. I honestly believe empathy needs to be taught.
Did Yosup pee in your cornflakes? No? Then stop acting like they did.
What? Your reply makes you the asshole, you realize? Homie was on your side.
Pretty sure YoSup wasn’t trying to be condescending.
Well that escalated quickly.
Holy shit that’s awful. Hugs!
I am a straight, cis-female with severe polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which has the effect of giving me a full face of dark facial hair. I am also unfortunate enough to live in NC. On the way to get my face waxed 2 weeks ago, I stopped in a DSW to look at shoes for my upcoming wedding (to a man, which I am not).…
You seem to have badly misinterpreted my reply. It’s awful and dispiriting that it happens at all, but it happens everywhere. For example, in England:
Stuff like this happens everywhere. Be ashamed to be human!
LOL, I guess. :(
This would never have happened if she had a gun.
Most of the time, when people talk about how “there were white slaves, too” they’re referring to indentured servitude, which was temporary and entered into voluntarily. But the more important point, in my view, is that even if there are examples of societies enslaving white people on the basis of their race in a way…
I am especially loving boyfriend just up and left of center.
Big fan of how he attacks her for being in a coffee the same time he was in the coffee shop.
White guys in dreads surely do look stupid, but there is no excuse for her behavior, none. Especially once she starts assaulting him.
As a historian I approve this clearing of the record.