Laura Bush Tilman

Appreciate this tip. Would you please tell me more. Maintenance isn’t something I joke about - safety for everyone on the road. Insights, your experience or any links appreciated...

Huh? not following you. break it down for me and I’m happy to clarify.

I was raised by a General Officer - respect to your dad. I’m serious that there is an element using their skill set to further personal gain$. The mil of your dad’s era has been replaced by SpecOps who write memoirs (not cool!), host Reality TV shows, create SEAL experiences for top dollar for wanna bes too chicken to

I’ve hiked with some interesting Vets the past few years, and need to agree to disagree on the Mil front. On the religion front, we share the same wet dream. Marx. Opium. Masses.

hopefully the NSA is tracking our discussion. They need to hire us to solve these problems... seriously, this woman and her ‘cause’ is not what bothers me. She’s dead on arrival. What she’s helping test in the courts does bother me.

you got it! ;) there’s always a bigger fish. To you and me, they are BIG fish. To real money overseas, they are little FISH.

I think Kock days are over. I think there’s a new element letting them front while operations come together. Everyone credits the Kochs. Why would military returning from decades of counterops in the Middle East waste their time with Kochs? Why not facilitate various Middle Eastern sovereign funds and South African

I don’t care for party affiliation one way or another. They’re both piece of shit whoring for the corporatocracy. To your point: She is a total tool. Universally, she’s a clear TOOL to any ideology. Which a Rosa Parks or any of the gay couples used in the Supreme Court cases NEVER were. Both causes used intelligent,

I hear ya. Very valid point. Thankfully, I’m a luddie. Not a hipster. I realize the link wasn’t representative, but I wasn’t here to get personal. What I would do regarding the heat and energy situation is paint it all white. Then plant native fully around so that a low water edible or vine would reduce the heat in

exactly. she’s a nothing in the scheme of things, but that’s what makes her valuable to the group opposing whatever the fuck they are opposing... something doesn’t add up with this little fish playing a big role like this. It’s how Rosa Parks was part of a bigger movement. She wasn’t just a simple woman who didn’t sit

agree. this whole thing seemed like a joke and she’s a joke, but I don’t think her case is the focus. I think her case is the ‘first step’ but not sure where ‘they’ are going with it. She’s the public tool for a bigger platform - curious what that is.

this has become interesting. didn’t think it’d last so long and get this far. wonder how it plays in the bigger strategy? She’s a small fish.

Looks like it was a fun ride. Good for him!

It looks fun to drive. I’d want to drive it in an Australian bog. Or Scottish Bog. Either way.

find a way we don’t have to pay to attend and I’ll show up :) Just realized most of the shows you listed are on cable. I cut off cable in 2011. I get free online streaming or don’t watch at all. I have a Roku and think there’s a gear channel, but haven’t added it to my line up. I don’t have paid or broadcast TV other

Two thoughts

A former friend whose benefit was letting me drive his coup with two doors came to mind when I read this post. And thanks to generous feedback, I’ve learned the quad option. Agree, very nice. I live in an area filled with Maseratis with a dealer nearby, so now I’ll get a better appreciation passing one. But NO WAY on

I’m trying to wrap my head, and mind you, was just introduced to California’s Jefferson Activists in another post minutes ago and a bit queasy, how this appears within the same post about the same guy:

this guy will force more road diets in Portland

I repeat: his dick gets misdemeanors but computer got the felony?