When my son complains I drive all Tokyo Drift, all I can say back to him is - You’re still alive, aren’t ya?
When my son complains I drive all Tokyo Drift, all I can say back to him is - You’re still alive, aren’t ya?
I’ve always prefered Barkley to Jordan. Maybe because I’m prone to say crazy shit and know smart folks get it. Fuck the rest. Or maybe I have Sponsorship Millions Envy. Not sure? But I don’t think Barkley is going to shoot anyone. Spit in someone’s drink - sure. Disparage dogs - yes. But shoot someone... no - He…
You’re not far off at all. With the housing shortage, there are places doing just that with old cargo shells. Adaptive Reuse is a sustainable business practice. Guess I’ll rent Uhaul for next month’s move in light of this When their trucks die, the cargo boxes become storage lockers.
that looks like shit. something a Kardashian would drive. And what’s a Maserati four-door!?! No No NO.
the Community Garden, Urban Farming part of Detroit
Yes We Can!
well done!
This (F) shareholder approves! Now, how do I get flown anywhere to drive one of these babies???? I’m suffering from Ford Shelby Envy since reading that disclosure, italics and all. One Ford!
back to trucks?
ewwwwwwwwwwww, it was a bad time to make that joke with recent Subway spokesman arrests and all... my bad.
this could be Sepulveda Basin or North Atwater Park in LA. Everyday is camping in LA’s vast open space.
love listening and watching jets in formation. At Coronado Beach it’s always fun when the jets return to land and fly over.
try again. Read lines 33 to 37. The csb driver was an adult. If you’re referring that C was dropped off first, that was logistics, and sounds like the cab driver didn’t mind finishing the last leg. Jane got home safe. It was once she was home safe that a pack of predators broke in and gang raped her. There was no way…
that looks so fun! Wish I was in any one of those cars and on that track right now...
Weber Shandwick and Omnicom Group have a suit of professional services including Rogers & Cowan. There’s Cindi Berger, Stan Rosenfield, Howard Bragman.... Rose will be just fine.
We have to celebrate and show gratitude to STRONG women like “C.” She looked out for Plaintiff Jane - she stood up to those men in that Beverly Hills house. This is the second instance of a woman looking out for one of our own I’m reading in a week. First one a College Frat Girlfriend who sent an assualt victim video…
That’d be so cool. I’d say check out FAO Schwarz, but think it went out of business. I know the NYC store closed. Not sure about the catalog.
what’s your point? You want to share?
FYI - batteries are a fucking disaster. we went through 3 by the time he was FOUR!
my son had that!