Laura Bush Tilman

The owners of this historic cemetery in Marin County spent millions restoring the place, including building hiking trails. The decedent is laid to rest with minimal processing and not embalmed. The family gets a GPS location for where the body rests, and a video compilation of their life is created that can be viewed

This beats embalming and burial that’s a total waste of landuse and harmful to the environment when embalming fluid is released into our sewers. Embalming is too pricey, usually a rip off of upsells and Civil War era tech. Green burial is the most natural option, but there’s limited grounds its permitted nationally.

I don’t want my remains sent to the moon. I want friends and family to visit houses of organized religion, specially the one that targets military funerals, and collectively and with the precision of Champion Synchronized Swimmers ~ Turn. Bend. and MOON them in memory of me and the life I led.

We all die. Not everybody lives. And to go out doing what you love is the ultimate. Sad to read this news, but glad it was doing what he loved. R.I.P.

sending peace for a healthy recovery and thoughts to both drivers’ loved ones and friends.

so now they’re Four Directions

maybe he’s been getting advise from the tobacco industry?

that’s for the tip. I thought poke mon meant it’s focused on swords but thanks to this chain of events I realize it’s about assualt riffles and ammo mixed with a laptop and some smart phones. It’s not related to swords or knives or blades of any sort. Whew, got that cleared up.

it’s a sad day when the laptop and faux smart phones take their place next to the assault weapons and ammo... they could have committed mass murder, called to check in on each other’s progress across the conference hall, text some friends, taken selfies and uploaded all within minutes. Not sure if that’s progress?

My condolences to her kids, grandkids and great grandkid. A family lost a loved one, and my thoughts are with them.

there’s no I in Team. But there is in WIN ~ Michael Jordan

this man needed that money. glad to see the justice system help a black man out.... he’ll use it to help those who need legal representation for brothers who received less than professional legal services, right? There aren’t very many... just a few million incarcerated and he could contact the Innocence Project to

I know the author. Not sure if she’s a bitch. It’s been a while since we’ve crossed paths. Glad story was told before and gained coverage again here today.

check to see how big a role jobless recovery/incentive programs are. They recruit at Career centers in California, promoting training and benefits. They are very deeply tied to the Unemployment offices and Workforce Improvement Act certificated programs that receive Fed funds. If you know the Unemployment/WorkSource

from fired truck driver to Uber... so glad these ladies went public with their stories and horrible to read. It’s especially tragic that so many state-Fed funded jobs programs heavily promote women to join trucking companies, and the Workforce Improvment Act funds these career transitions. That means some of these

This (F) shareholder approves! ONE FORD.

I +1 because you made a valid point, but how about the number of men we don’t know about because they never report a thing and live with this type of stuff. How do we win making rape about gender when it’s about power and both sexs suffer? I realize they got better results than the women we typically read about, but

why so spiteful toward nature? What did Elm trees ever do to you to insult them in same sentence as coach White Cosby? What if he makes like Dre and Josh Duggar and say he’s a fucked up mess and needs help?

Winona State basketball coach Mike Leaf... the white Cosby? Good for this player and his mates for not skipping a beat to report! Dudes looking out for each other. Way to go!