Diable GT is a great choice. Good taste. Our dreams can come true and then we’ll race! I won’t let you win, dude. Turn that frown upside down :)....
Diable GT is a great choice. Good taste. Our dreams can come true and then we’ll race! I won’t let you win, dude. Turn that frown upside down :)....
the irony of a ‘Valkyrie’ conceived in Swastika...
It is still unclear why the grown-ass-man pushing a very expensive stroller, wearing what looks to be Armani, decided to damage the vehicle.
I like some of her stuff. Good for her, congrats!
thanks for the tip. A Bush Tilman can dream :)
it’s gorgeous
these people all look like the Jersey Shore cast. It’s Australia?
how has that woman’s uterus not fallen out of her body after all these kids? hope she’s donating for medical research when she passes. it’s the least she can do to give back since overpopulation doesn’t register with this brood.
Sustainable fur = Oxy.moron
James Harrison of the Pittsburgh Steelers = parent of the year! Here’s a celeb parent who just reduced the chances of Damaged Celeb Kid syndrome, and we can all breathe a sigh of relief. How cute is that photo of him with his kid.
you just educated me and expanded my vocab :) I thought we’d evolved past it, but actually, just last year in LA I met a MRS degree. And she didn’t even ‘get’ how antiquated she sounds. Trophy wife in Marina Del Rey. Just needs to make sure she looks exactly how her husband wants and she has free reign with the…
they are not in school to learn. they attend to meet a spouse who’ll take care of them the rest of their lives. that’s why the focus is on how they look, not what they think. they think whatever they are told to think for the person who will marry them so they don’t have to work.
it’s the same podium Bob Filner stood at to resign. If that wood could write a best-selling tell all.
I bought a chargers tee for $1.99 at a place going out of business near the stadium on Friar’s Road. Since returning to LA, I make sure to wear it any visit to the Grove on Fairfax and within the vicinity of Robertson and Melrose.... it’s fun.
right? I just learned this too. I thought only SuperBowl Half Time shows featured porn.
Is Fallout 4 a Lenny Kravitz concert?