it took a PornHub leak to get you out of grey? Fuck, I’m on there couple times a month and still in the grey.
oh dear gawd - wtf is that? what an evil thing to post this when you know we’re drinking this late at night... uh, I won’t be able to sleep. Now I’ll have to click another video on PornHub to erase the damage this image caused... good grief. (of course I +1 anyway.)
this isn’t what I watch on PornHub.
australia has those... not sure about the elderly hogs? maybe they are single elderly from a lifetime of being jerks? Be careful if Ben Affleck visits in his old age... he’d park in a family spot, even if his family is not with him.
more and more daddy’s taking care of babies worldwide. gender neutral would meet best interest of the kids....
That is smart. The only specially designated spots should be Parent Parking for ‘parents’ of small children and Handicap parking.
nice to hear the sound too. used to watch Miramar show from Cowles and they’d do practice runs. Fly-bys make the best sound.
as a FORD shareholder, I thank you for your innovative suggestion... now if we could just get’m on the phone. Shelby = timeless classic.
that’s fucking awesome. looks so fun!
merger of two american pastimes: baseball + bomb threats
thanks for the lead. I’m looking for an attorney to advise on local politics, corruption, California Public request, et al. but after careful review, won’t be contacting Paul Weiss. Handsome man. Soldout young.
this is something I’d expect in NYC and LA where industry decimated employment and so many below the line unemployed are stuggling. I can see a former hair dresser out of work for two years, unemployment exhausted, limited retirement getting the $300/month rent increase as her building gets Ellis Act in Echo Park…
i’m not taking these notes as minutes of the meeting. i’m writing this all down because i plan to sue.
may be fair to speculate Wells is independently wealthy just from NFL billable hours alone? Independently minded (no). Independently cashing in (yes).
he looks fine. F.I.N.E. ~ and so do the broads next to him.
why can’t people just be happy for will + jada or better yet, mind their own business? a marriage, and i NEVER will have one, is sacrosanct between the individuals in it. I wish this family all the best... and greatful no sequles to Wild Wild West (had to make you laugh)
please. please don’t run. mentor someone smart, fresh meat and play a behind the scene’s mentor role. we need new people in politics. there has to be a staffer you can mentor and bring up to run? we have a full year and you’ve got to have identified fresh-minded aides to champion? Come on Biden. Do the right thing.