Laura Bush Tilman

Because their brains are powered by testosterone. Just accept nature had some sort of plan and deal. Sometimes, it’s fun to fuck them??? Just saying. It’s not always a nuisance.

LOL. that’s because you seem sane. I used it has a short cut because the headline click baited me... those editors fucked w my mind and led me to a good story about a hitchBot that was attacked in Philly but made it safe in Canada and Germany... the comments are funny.

check out story two on Trending in Kinja above the fold to the left on this page

why is the sports section called Deadspin?

I’m a music whore... too many channels on Pandora... and most repeat cause you know how it pools types of music? I could probably get by with 5 channels if I was organized, but I’m moody and... Hey, did you read about hitchBOT? how sad. Nowhere is safe in America anymore. Bot was treated with respect in Germany, but

... guess what’s on my iTunes now Baby!

that, Amsterdam and Demons are my favorites. Good taste in music. I fortunately don’t get blue balls, but seem to give them from time to time? ok, so if I showed up at 90210 party, I’d drink beer. Not Wine. But we can split the difference at drunk. I’m having a fantastic lazy Saturday. fuck Lonely Island, I’m not waiti


that peace sign, Andre, just inspired a song....

If they were camped in front of my place, I’d moon them

uh, hate when get too comfy reading comments, but your post just inspired this TMI: I still listen to a song from that show. And just went there as typing this reply (not proud right now, but clicked iTunes just the same)

my observation since he’s a co-hort and we have 2 decades of what’s he’s like is that you never had any time with him. Ever. He’s all him. All the time. Can you miss something you never had?

oprah may know the afflecks? she wouldn’t book the nanny. maybe her work around would be to book landlord brooke sheilds?

there isn’t enough number of nannies to qualify. seems that channel’s standard is dozens (or two)

it’ll be a hulu or netflix original or one of those weird channels on roku - a webisode?


thank you. she wasn’t evil. he just was into the Nun.

lol. she did have style. she actually wasn’t all that bad in the movie (no clue about the real person) I think she’s pretty

we agree that he vamps well :) Love your handle by the way. Hilarious. Must be blue cause Eric sucked all the blood out?

LOL, your reply cracked me up (in a good way). He’s the groom in the movie.