
You are missing the point, I think. I am 100% agreeing with you.

16 year old: I NEED A MAN WHO -

douchebag says what ?

Strip clubs are cheaper, no?

Racism is a huge issue in the South. Also in the North, the East, and the West.

I have a ground floor apartment in a major U.S. city, sooooooooooooo.... this gives me a full-on case of the "icks" and the "scareds" and the *sobs*

That's okay Jezebel: I didn't like sleeping anyway.

First, Missouri isn't the South, second claiming that this is some kind of "regional" problem is stupid. Structural violence and inequality happens everywhere. Stop and Frisk was a policy of the NYPD. Renisha McBride was in fucking Michigan. Wake up.

Hey, lets not generalize about that ok? PTSD is not like you see on tv and movies, and gets used as a defense more often than it should. These assholes aren't beating and killing their wives because they have PTSD. It may contribute to an emotional disconnect or cause behavior that stresses the marriage, but it

"#MyAnacondaWasWayUp" No Drake. Please don't type things like that.

execution for weed??? WEED!?!?!?'

Ugh. Everyone knows you fake amnesia, not death! Gawd, millennials, get your shit together!


their actual press release says 'we have two black friends'

I tell people that all the time. I'm a survivor of domestic violence. I hear so many people say, "oh, no one could ever hit me! I'd get out of that relationship immediately!" It's not quite that simple, unfortunately. They wait until you love them, until you've built a life with them, and, most importantly, until

Dear Horrified Parents,

Dora and Friends: Into the City (11-11:30 a.m., NICK) - After the tragic murder of Boots by Swiper the Fox, Dora attempts to escape her past and moves to the city for a new life. Will the nightmares ever stop?

I wonder if her mom will be arrested if she is playing alone in a NYC park with only her smart phone and map app.