
But then again there are ALWAYS people who are quick to jump down the throat of a woman who says she wants to do what her body was MADE to do. The first mothers at the beginning of humanity didn't need statistics to tell them that their babies were supposed to breastfeed. They just DID IT. Instinctually. When mothers

I said people should STFU because no matter what we're doing as mother's, we're doing it wrong. meaning we should STFU on the judgment. I did not say people should STFU because formula or nursing is better than the other. So hypocrite? No. Believer that we should be allowed to do what we feel is healthiest for our

I caught that part. But just researching all of the chemicals and substances in formula versus breast milk...something my body made naturally with the specific intention of nourishing my child and catering to his particular don't really need statistics to compare the ingredients.

I'm all for making your own decisions regarding bfing. I will say that I've breastfed my son for 18 months now. Yes, it's a struggle. Yes, it's more difficult than making a bottle with formula. But I decided long ago that if I CAN make the healthiest choice for my son with no medical issues preventing me from doing

"Watch the Full Version of Kim and Kanye's Krazy Engagement"

so Scarjo's skin is just NATURALLY that perfect??

I just spit OUT my coffee reading that. Thank you.
I have to go clean this up now, but thank you.

I wish you hadn't even reported it. This is what Zimmerman WANTS. Attention. For doing all the things that he's doing NOT behind bars where he should be.

oh my god I just spit OUT my coffee reading that. Thank you.
I have to clean this up now but thank you.

Fortunately, here in Virginia Beach, when I look outside my window I see a plethora of Sailors in all different colors.
And that uniform compliments them ALL.

"This is what you see on the streets of New York City"


ugh, just ugh.. Firstly, I am a HUGE breastfeeding advocate. I nursed my little one until 15 months when he self-weaned (so sadly) but I would have easily let him nurse well into toddlerhood had he wanted to. (Fun fact: the world average is 7 years.)
I believe that mothers worldwide NEED to be aware of the advantages

Every time I see a man inside with a hat (ANY hat) I automatically go back to remembering my dad (retired Marine) yelling at younger Marines and/or sailors "TAKE OFF YOUR COVER WHEN YOU'RE INSIDE YOU SONOFABITCH" and listening to him awkwardly lecture said terrified sailor/Marine and then ask for the info to his/her

I wholeheartedly agree that a place that upscale isn't for babies, and if you don't have one of those mythical fairy-tale babies that happens to be well-behaved everywhere (I've been told I was one; my 2 year old, however, was not) then sadly it's more respectful to eat the cost or sell the tix.
What does piss me off

Reading this on a work computer, where consequently all of the links are blocked on the server- hence me asking.
I'm not retarded. Thank you for the suggestion though.

she designs GORGEOUS stilettos that make my legs look stellar, that's what she does.
and really cute lingerie too.

Wasn't the mother just a girlfriend? I'm curious to know if they were living together. Her stupid decision to procreate with him aside, the motherly instinct in me wonders why the state can take the child from the MOTHER when the FATHER'S behavior is the one in question, and they're not even living together.

yes, and I do see the logic- or lack there of- in buying the album. But I also feel like if they're going to force her to do things she doesn't want to do, she should still be rewarded for her efforts. To go through all of that, and her fan base not even support the album just sounds awful. I didn't even bother with

I think because the stigma behind "retiring" to Vegas is something you only do when you're washed up.
and also because Jezebel doesn't seem to like Brit Brit too much :/