
As someone who had older parents, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that your opinion about older parents is fucking idiotic. No child is ever going to regret being born and enjoying the time they had with their parent(s). Death happens to young parents but you don’t see people saying “Welp, they shouldn’t have

I’m probably going to be crucified for this, but it seems pretty mean-spirited and unhelpful to continue dragging Jennifer Lawrence under the bus. Joy wasn’t good, but she did well in it. And she isn’t the only white actress nominated. And she didn’t cast herself. Or nominate herself. And really, who we’re angry at

As toolish as this is, I also feel weird about putting this up to make fun of. I’d rather ignore it. This isn’t Chet Haze. This is some guy whose learning disabled brother was railroaded and sent to life in prison. Maybe his rap is douchey and he’s a douche but I can’t necessarily make fun of the sentiment.

um excuse me Bobby where is DOUBLE CREATURE FEATURE

Is it possible to exist in this world and give the benefit of doubt to people like Bill Murray who have been accused of spousal abuse in a specific and tumultuous period in their life while also still giving the benefit of belief to people who make accusations in general? I don't want to be screamed at, but I just

Omg dude, so much this. I remember when Jez first reported on his comments a week or so ago there were all these people howling about how he had “Erased women from the fandom.” I mean for fuck sakes. I’ll say it again: I always thought it was clear that he was acknowledging that the franchise hadn’t done much to

I wish there were more room in the modern media world for a bit more easy generosity between folks. It’s wearying to always be demanding apologies, you know? People goof. They say stupid shit. They get tired. And it sometimes feels like we’re all just waiting for someone to piss us off so we can purge some hateful

Every morning, including the ones in February, I walk past this. Then I come home and have fresh squeezed orange juice. It’s not for everyone, but a lot of us think it’s heaven on earth.

I’m a cop. For 7 years now. I love my job. However, in the past few years I’ve been really thinking about moving on, but I don’t quite want too. This particular incident is INSANE to me. How did this take a year to happen? 18 complaints right? And they are not just speeding ticket complaints I believe. I do kno my

Sometimes I think that Donald Trump’s people are like Mona Lisa and Jean Ralphio from Parks and Recs. They say things Trump wants to hear in exchange for money.

Since Jezebel and its privileged young white readership are in the tank for Sanders, I’m not surprised that this article not only leaves out a very important aspect of this incident, it also sells the fiction that BLM represents the black electorate in any meaningful way. Hell, even the unofficial leaders or

I don’t think too grumpy. But I’m not sure about the “shitting” part? Franco did study and was called to the Torah in a more private traditional setting. Considering that there are people who would actually hire Miley as Bar/t Mitvah entertainment I’m ok with that too, at least to the extent of realizing that people

Watch her movie, “Me and You and Everyone We Know.” It’s really cute and has one scene that’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in a movie. Ever. Ever ever.

Her outfit reminds of a toy I had as a kid.

So obviously what Behar said was wrong and idiotic, but I'm kind of surprised at this level of backlash. The people on The View have said way worse about many other groups of people (like rape survivors, for example). Curious.

Attention all news outlets:

There is zero proof of that. Not a single accuser has come out against him. Please don’t spread nasty rumors. It helps no one.

Can we PLEASE discuss the promos - both at the beginning and midseason - where they implied Ashley I might become a pregnant non-virgin? Did I make that up or did they really ignore that teaser?

I actually loved season 6... It is so nice to finally come across others who liked it too... it is such a lonely fan club...