
I think it is fine to take a step back. I had a couple close friends in my 20’s that I drifted away from because we grew in different directions. If you miss her you can always get back in touch. Everyone fucks up sometimes (especially when it comes to sex). She might be a great girl who made a bad choice with this

Congrats on getting out of your bad relationship. Things will get better soon. Even though you may know intellectually that he is not the guy for you, sometimes it takes a little while for emotions to get on the same page. Change is hard! Just try to do something positive for yourself every day. Catch up with friends

I used to work in tv and can answer this. If an actor has an ongoing role on a show or movie that is renting a soundstage at any of the studios, they will usually assign them a spot and paint it. She also could have her own production company that has office space at the same studio Conan shoots at.

Thank you for replying. Have a great weekend!

I too have had cystic acne for 20 years. In my late teens I couldn't leave it alone and have some pretty deep scarring. Nothing topical works for me. I tried antibiotics when I was younger and that didn't help either. Have you used isotretinoin? Did it work for you? Hesitant to invest in expensive dermatologist visits

When I first moved to LA I bought a bed at a yard sale Dana Ashbrook was having. He lived down the street from me and actually delivered it to my apartment and helped me carry it in. Super nice. I was such a fan of the show, but failed to say something. I did used to whisper "Bobby" to myself when I got into bed.

Which you already knew!!

We are getting a miniseries later this year!!

Very embarrassing: About 15 years ago I bought a card with a beautiful Nelson Mandela quote on it. I admired the man greatly and I ended up getting it tattooed on my arm. I was so proud to tell people they were Mandela’s words. When I was traveling in Uganda a man on the street stopped me, pointed at my tattoo, said

I’ve been a reader since 2007 and just started commenting on a regular basis. I am very awkward, but I’m trying to overcome it.

I have a random Hootie story. I worked at MTV Networks in the late 90’s. The day I went in for my job interview, I rode the elevator up with Hootie and the Blowfish (no one else, just me and the band for 20+ floors). The minute the doors closed they started arguing loudly. One said (almost yell volume), “Man, you know

I am in a similar situation and your words really capture how I feel. I fled my small, conservative town after high school and spent 18 years in cities (Miami, then NYC, then LA). I had to move back during a messy divorce. Long story short, I am stuck for at least another year and it is so hard to relate to people.

Hope you feel better soon. As the planner in my house, I empathize. My guy is pretty amazing in general, but I have occasional moments when I think, “How did you make it to this age without learning to (insert adult responsibility here)?”

I have had a copper IUD for a few years. I am happy with it. I had problems with hormonal birth control (severe mood swings). I also know that I never want to have a child and I wanted something long term.

$900/mo is what he was making from advertisers on his site. The extortion income was on top of that.

The $900 a month is what he was making in advertising revenue on the site. It doesn’t include the money that he was extorting from women who wanted their images removed.

Happy Birthday

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Thank you for being a great teacher!

You've made me hope that they choose to use a hologram of Nipsey Russell. You are correct that there is no one better, but I think his actual corpse would terrify the kiddos (and only be capable of zombie groans).