
I feel like Katherine Moenig should take more responsibility for how many people went out and got really unflattering hair because of her.

Let’s see. Clea Duvall was also with Camilla Grey who left her for bandmate Leisha Hailey who was once with KD Lang.

Nah this one isn’t funny

Agreed. Nothing he says at these makes me nearly as angry as the fact that he’s going on a medieval-style Grand Progress instead of, idk, getting ready to do the job he’s just been elected to do. Bragging over any actual work, I guess.

I know a lot of government workers are feeling torn between just leaving because “Fuck this guy” and staying because “Fuck this guy.” I hope they all stay and make shit as difficult as possible and fight the good fight.

Hopefully this is a sign of things to come. Government workers should stonewall and delay this maniac’s regime at all points possible.

The kids on the show are hella talented. The adults bobble around acting stupid and/or sexy while the kids do pretty much all the heavy-lifting. It’s a fun dynamic.

Wait, when did this kind of behavior become cute and delightful? Because nah, this shit isn’t cute and delightful. It doesn’t matter who does it - it’s childish.

Honestly, no matter how hard you worked on something, if you don’t win & jump on stage like that it doesn’t make you look funny or smart. You just look like a sore loser.

It’s a mark of intelligence to recognize what you don’t know and seek counsel and knowledge about it. Only stupid people think they know everything.

Today was nice. I spent the day with a friend (and former colleague) and we have this really lovely friendship that can seem a bit unconventional at times to others, mainly because of our age difference. I’m 34 and she’s 57. I’m single with no kids and she’s married with three daughters who are all in their early

Then you two would probably have gotten along great.

Please do not credit Obama with indigenous struggle and victory against this pipeline. He did absolutely nothing and has said nothing to help.

Seriously. You think you can bring back coal and well-paying manufacturing jobs and live in a time when black people weren’t so angry and you didn’t know Muslims existed, but I’m the one that lives in a bubble? Nah. Go back to living in the sad Bon Jovi B-side that is your life, and I’m going to get to fucking work.

I have no sympathy for people who voted for Trump, at all—I have sympathy for their children. I have *extra* anger for Trump voters on behalf of their children. Whatever the reverse of sympathy is, that’s what I have. Pure contempt and withering judgment, maybe.

I seriously don’t know how to fight something like this.

A significant part is looking at who he chose for his VP. Aside from that, and his seeming relative lack of personal animosity towards LGBT people, a Republican administration is more than just the President (as is a Democratic one). It’s also looking at the kind of people who he says he’ll appoint as federal judges

Let’s hope we come up with a different solution to this problem than we did for 9/11.

I don’t understand the desire to bring back coal mining jobs. It’s literally sickening, dirty, back breaking work. Why do people want to hold on to a ‘way of life’ that sent their fathers and grandfather to an early grave? Should we bring back whaling too? Plenty of unemployed people in SE Mass.

I’m starting to get sick of the nice guy Obama bs. He wasted most of his first year trying to kumbaya with the right and now he’s being nice again. Just stop! No one who hates you is changing their minds. You know this IS the apocalypse. He needs to be trying to fuck this guy up during the next 2 months. Get a special