
I hated myself for feeling relieved when I saw Mitt was being seriously considered for Secretary of State but that’s the way this is going.

Uuuuugh KJ and Rhee. As a Sacramento resident, I was happy to not have them working the levers at city hall. I should have known that they’d go national. Democrat or no, KJ is the very model of the corrupt, slippery weasel that Trump is going to try to be.

Ben Carson went to Yale and he thinks the pyramids were built for grain storage.

So “powerful vetting” is comprised of: 1.) reviving NSEERS, which sucked and did nothing but create delays; and 2.) asking people if they are terrorists.

He surrounds himself with the devastatingly incompetent, the homicidally bigoted, people celebrated by literal Nazis, he lost the popular vote, he runs crying to mommy at the slightest rebuke from anyone, continues to conduct business while receiving top secret briefings, wants to wipe out overtime pay laws, has his

2015 was my year. It’s been going down hill ever since.

Yes. A brief and half-hearted “Stop it” on 60 minutes, was only really because he was put on the spot. Otherwise, I strongly suspect that he would have remained silent on the subject.

That’s a tough call. I think they’re the kinda rich that equates a lot of flash to being “the very best” and therefore has no use for quality, craftsmanship or design. I’d say they probably use Charmin, but have a gilded, musical Swarovski toilet paper dispenser that plays the Blue Danube Waltz when turned. And

“Did you hear what those Dixie Chicks said about our president? Let’s buy their albums and then burn them, that will show them!”

Well Michael Shannon has your back.

I’m not sure I know the difference between Ansel Elgort and Miles Teller.

I feel you. I am really glad I got laid before the election because I inherently assume all penises voted for Trump, even though I know it’s not true.

Counterpoint: is he smart enough to realize he is being discussed if no one says “Trump”?

I explained shade to my parents and my dad said: “There’s a word for what your mom does?” He now rejoices in pointing out shade where he finds it. He’s extremely accurate.

My husband used the word shade around his parents, so I felt the need to give a 10-minute explanation of the word, its origin, and correct usage— specifically throwing shade vs. a read. Near minute nine I realized I misjudged my audience and no one cared. I still finished strong and feel like I made the world a better

I would put serious money on her inauguration gown being white. One shouldered and flower applique optional — might be too on the nose.

I for one am looking forward to Trump brand gas masks and fallout shelters.

Romney may be the first reasonable candidate that Trump has proposed. He’s a Republican, but at least he’s intelligent, sane, and responsible unlike the motley group of idiots and lunatics that have been mentioned as possible candidates for various positions.

It really makes you appreciate the situation we’re in when you’re actually hoping for Mitt Romney.

Okay Obama....but what does Uncle Joe have to say about the matter?