
one of only 24 S54 M Coupes in Steel Gray with a Dark Gray/Black interior and a sunroof.


Derwin employee 1: How can we make a decade-old Italian supercar less reliable?

My browser won’t currently let me post GIFs for some reason, but CLEARLY I was attempting to post Drew’s Chopped GIF.

Logan Lucky

Who the hell let this happen?! who was supposed to be watching David right now huh? Patrick?!

Approximately one entire human life.

Liverpool and City already have more points, less matches to play,

omg can you imagine if there’s another cold war and they blame a Jalopnik sub-blog for it

Reading about your project is stressing me out.

After you stopped watching to write this, he asked a black reporter to set up a meeting with the black caucus, blamed an uptick in Nazi graffiti on “the other side,” and, fuck, probably a few other things but I’m high now because weed is medicine and I’m very sad.

Never change, David.

“I’m sorry baby, I had to crash that Honda.”

mommest tweet of all time

My mom owns me online constantly.

This is what Darth Vader should always be.

Fuck yeah I’ll remember Andre Johnson. He seems to me like the guy, in like ten or fifteen years, when most kids have stopped playing football and the ratings have gone off a cliff and everyone’s remembering what it used to be like in the NFL’s glory days and wondering how we ever tolerated such bloodsport on such a


Are we there yet?