
I'm dubious about any open-enrollment site really being able to cultivate a "community" with particular values online. I'm not sure the global perspective on the Internet works that way anymore. Sites aren't sites as much as they are rooms in a greater structure of sites the user goes to.

Not a huge fan of Ricky Gervais, but truer words were never spoken.

I imagine someone sitting thoughtfully and writing something like this at the tottering point of every ruined civilization.

I understand what you are saying, but I personally don't believe referencing difference has to be wrong. I find differences to be awesome. I know by saying this I am racist because even positive recognition of difference is perceived to be wrong. Those are my personal feelings, though.

A lot of the problem is confusing "democracy" with our western concepts of "freedom" in many cases. If a nation democratically chose to live under strict Sharia law few people in the west would really call them free, though they themselves would. I believe we're going to see that happen in varying degrees as these

With a change of hairstyle and setting most can probably do either. I'm not sure if that is sad or not.

What bothers me is the result of the study IS a hypothesis, the actual investigation will be whether the "inflammatory agents and atherosclerotic agents that will wreck havoc on the brain" are the actual cause. If they aren't, then this assumption from the data will be tossed out like the million other studies we are

Thank you for sharing your time and patience with such a Privileged® person, you know how we are, after all. I'll give great care and thought from how to best not share my feelings and experience. I'll do my best to appear bothered by all the things that "should" bother me and never, ever be sincere when it doesn't.

Correlation does not imply causation, again. It really bugs me because the lifestyle factors that led these people to be overweight might be the same that led to them having lower cognitive function, yet their assumption dumps the outcome on everyone who is overweight regardless of lifestyle. People who are elderly

I've already seen The Host, and it had nothing to do with teen trash novels...

Er, "MILF sniper"? Strange, most of those pornstars are promoted to be teens, aren't they? Even when they are like 30? When they're laying around on a bed full of stuffed animals I don't think they are intended to be MILFs.

I grew up around old people, really old people, back in the 70's. Bias really wasn't as much about color at that time. I remember white people who were biased against the Polish, Jews, Italians, Swedes, ad nauseum. In that way, no, they weren't considered white, even though they were white, if that makes sense.

Mario gets listed as an Italian stereotype a lot, give it a google. I dunno, I'd be far more insulted by Jersey Shore were I Italian...

We remember, Karl... we remember...

People still say he is an Italian stereotype.

Nah, I think it is just politician-caught-in-headlights.

I never thought the "Two Wongs" shirt was bad. To me it was like Manny, Moe, and Jack and lots of other stuff we see every day. Is Mario from the video games culturally insensitive? I guess I suck...

"But he's never had a problem accepting donations from companies that make and produce pornography."

I dunno. Cable TV was a small part of what Adelphia did. Hotel porn was a microscopic part of a small part. They were a Telecom company mostly.

I dunno, this continues to annoy me. What companies that "make and produce pornography" donated to Santorum?