
If by disparate statements you mean their own description of the plot from Scott and official sources, the official trailer, etc., sure. This has been common knowledge for months.

Actually, I was equating women to minorities in the civil rights movement. You have two sides with conflicting beliefs who think they can legally force the other to bend to their will. One side thinks a fetus is a person, the other side thinks a fetus is a fetus. One side believes women don't have reproductive rights,

The analogy was that the conflict for reproductive rights consists of two sets of subjective beliefs, just like civil rights. Any time you have a situation wherein both sides put on their pope hats and claim some sort of mystical truth, you will achieve a stalemate. That stalemate lasted a hundred years in terms of

If you want to continue to live in a world where these rights are continually threatened, then by all means, continue to refuse to acknowledge that all that separates us from those who oppose abortion rights are BELIEFS. Continue pretending that you're wearing a pope hat and they just have to do what you say,

Nope, you totally didn't, and it's even sadder that you can't realize you didn't.

And your wishes are based on secular moral beliefs. They are both beliefs. There are no objective truths involved, just what some people want, and what other people want. People don't want me to do heroin or sell my kidney, so we have laws against me making that choice. Moral, subjective laws. Not objective

It's weird how some people can't seem to comprehend what they read.

A third trimester fetus is capable of independent life, unless you mean totally without a parent, and if so neither is a two year old.

My idea would be to try and foresee and avoid obvious worn-out ideas that people are going to latch on to. You really don't think what I am saying won't be the cornerstone of most bad reviews? I'd bet you'll see bushels of reviews that either use the ancient alien guy picture or mention Daniel Jackson, bank on it.

That is a belief, yes. One of many. Another is that it shouldn't be illegal, even if it is wrong, simply because it isn't any of the government's business what we do in any personal matter, yet I still can't sell my kidney to the highest bidder. I could list beliefs about abortion and contraception all day.

Exactly. To me, were I a director, I would try to avoid anything at the groaner level. An archeologist finding correlating symbology that leads them to the shocking idea that we could be the creations or offspring of an alien race? I dunno how that couldn't be a groaner at this point.

Not everyone believed slaves were people. It took a hundred bloody, awful years of kicking and screaming to legally define racial equality in the U.S. If you consider Roe v. Wade to be the pro-choice version of the 13th amendment, decisions that protect abortion are still "new" comparatively.

I can't help thinking when I see this that really rich Hollywood people have a considerable handicap by not watching much tv. After 20 years of the Stargate franchise and 40+ years of the Chariots of the Gods? revisionist history movement, Star Trek TNG, Mission to mars, ad nauseum, you gotta ask yourself how anyone

"The biggest problem — and there are plenty to choose from — with the Arizona bill is that it allows employers far too much latitude in deciding what kinds of health care they'll provide for their employees."

Democrats don't hire lobbyists and fuck over their employees?

Regulation wouldn't have had any effect on sexualization. It would still be silly, soap-opera theater, and the women would have still worn bikinis got into catfights and all the rest. They were using the razorblades all the way back to the 50's. As far as steroids, that's bullshit too, steroids are rampant in other

That would be cannibalism, wouldn't it?

Some lesser being is annoying him whilst he is trying to eat some crappy middle class breakfast out of Styrofoam in some some sort of waiting area. I'd be pretty sullen too, and I am not someone who could afford to wake in my palace to eat the rarest of delicacies, spoon-fed by specially bred waifs in angel costumes.

God knows she has plenty to be angry about, but it's hard for me to imagine it too. She reminds me so much of Carol Burnett. I can't imagine her being awful either, outside of her character on the The Family sketches.

"With such a low threshold for reasonable public scrutiny..."